Author Topic: Display of duplicate images when two different catalogs are selected  (Read 3365 times)

Offline Bob Hendricks

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If you have two different catalogs selected simultaneously, and if the two have some images in common, then you are shown the two identical images side by side.  If there are a large number, this requires twice as much screen real estate as is really needed. Why is this desirable?  I would suggest it is necessary to show only one copy.  If you want to know from which catalog the image was selected, just turn off one catalog (uncheck it). If the image remains, you know that it belongs to the checked catalog and if it goes away, it belongs to the unchecked catalog.

Of course, this problem compounds if you (for some reason) have three catalogs selected.

My choice would be to show a given image only once, rather than twice.

Any user comments?

Bob Hendricks

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Display of duplicate images when two different catalogs are selected
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2020, 08:20:39 AM »

If you have two different catalogs selected simultaneously, and if the two have some images in common, then you are shown the two identical images side by side.  If there are a large number, this requires twice as much screen real estate as is really needed. Why is this desirable?  I would suggest it is necessary to show only one copy.  If you want to know from which catalog the image was selected, just turn off one catalog (uncheck it). If the image remains, you know that it belongs to the checked catalog and if it goes away, it belongs to the unchecked catalog.

Of course, this problem compounds if you (for some reason) have three catalogs selected.

My choice would be to show a given image only once, rather than twice.

OK, so which catalog should have its images shown, and which one should have its images not shown?  Why add the same images to two catalogs in the first place?  How would you tell whether you have actual duplicates?  (the case being the same images in two different folder hierarchies both added to the same catalog.)


Offline lerone

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Re: Display of duplicate images when two different catalogs are selected
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2021, 03:33:23 AM »
I am just now in my 2nd testing round of PM+ – and will stay with it, I think. knowing the alternatives, it just has the most stellar set of under-the-hood functions and is (seems) the most robust overall! so this is from a happy user perspective.

I am also irritated by the display of the same file as two thumbnails side by side. I think behind this are some different things to sort out that are mixed together in this 'case', at least for my perspective:

• when the 'same' image has two different file locations or file paths (i.e. 'actual duplicates') it is ok and expected to have two instances shown. BUT when it is actually one 'physical' file, i.e. has the *same* filepath it is confusing toshow this as two instances in a DAM, IMO. – but that is the case currently with PM+

• another problem is that there are no visual cues which catalog(s) a single entry in an aggregated contact sheet set are attached to. this is  different from the first problem, but contributes to the irritation. this has already has been mentioned separately on this forum:
... Another disadvantage (as reported in another post) is that, once you have added an image to a catalog, the UI does not visually indicate to which catalog the image belongs. (This is a design flaw in my opinion, but perhaps it can be addressed in a future release.)
(– there are of course ways to find out (via some steps through the context menu, or by clicking on/off some search boxes in catalog organizer... but it really shouldn´t be that difficult and makes things confusing / disorienting even more in the end)

• as to adding one image to two catalogs: I think this is dependent on preferred organisation system, and there shouldn´t be a presumption  on that by a DAM. actually the fact that PM+ allows for a very finegrained and differentiated activation of different search and modification patterns of simultaneously active is an absolute unique feature and strength of PM+! it also invites a very modular use of catalogs, away from silos and 'container' thinking in terms of organisation. as Carl Seibert praises in his review:
Yes, you can have the same picture in multiple catalogs.
No matter how carefully you plan your catalogs taxonomy, if you have multiple catalogs, you’ll run into a situation where a picture that naturally occurs in one catalog needs to be in another as well.
Your sister-in-law is “Family”. But she’s also the CEO of your Company. You may not want to have the “Family” catalog turned on if you’re working on a projector in the boardroom. This one picture in two catalogs business is a handy feature. Trust me.

for me: a 'personal' travel photo might also qualify for my portfolio etc.

so, while the problem is real for some users (at least I am sharing Bob Hendricks impression / take) this 'case' also highlights + indicates some different problems underneath IMO.
(– more generally, and while I am very happy with what PM+ does provide, I found the quoted post by Syncrasy very spot on, discussing how the contact sheet logic in some cases is at odds with the needs of user experience / orientation in a DAM. – see here. but, actually, I also think the problems encountered here can also be detached from such a general take)

in sum: I am happy to jump on the PM+ ship. and it´s a fantastical offer! but I also would hope such more fundamental things in terms of developing and polishing the DAM-user interface will still be adressed in the future path.
