Author Topic: PM 4.5 Veeeeeery Slow and Image problems  (Read 4230 times)

Offline theorib

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PM 4.5 Veeeeeery Slow and Image problems
« on: April 18, 2007, 02:59:05 PM »
Hi Kirk,

I have experienced a few absurdly slownessess in PM 4.5 like a few minutes only to show the thumbs for a couple of raw or JPG files...
It didn't happen with the Beta versions and I still couldn't figure when it does happen as it's not all the time.It also never happened with version

Also, jpg files that don't expressly have the.jpg extension apearing on the file name don't show up properly, they show up as "???" this also doesn't happen in version If I open the very same folder with both apps they behave completely diferent.

MacBook Pro 2.33 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 2GB RAM using MacOS X 10.4.9



Theo Ribeiro
Skype: theorib

+54 9 2944 695103
+55 11 3864-2747


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: PM 4.5 Veeeeeery Slow and Image problems
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2007, 03:30:02 PM »

I have experienced a few absurdly slownessess in PM 4.5 like a few minutes only to show the thumbs for a couple of raw or JPG files...
It didn't happen with the Beta versions and I still couldn't figure when it does happen as it's not all the time.It also never happened with version

I'd like to have a few of these images to test with.

Quote from: theorib
Also, jpg files that don't expressly have the.jpg extension apearing on the file name don't show up properly, they show up as "???" this also doesn't happen in version If I open the very same folder with both apps they behave completely diferent.

True.  We changed that.  Having images with no filename extension is just an invitation to incompatibility problems in the future.  Apple has explained over and over that filename extensions should be used instead of Finder metadata.  We decided to enforce this restriction in version 4.5.  We have received enough feedback on this issue that we may reverse our decision until we are forced to by an OS update that takes that ability away.

Please send me the sample images if possible.  Contact me privately for upload information.



Offline theorib

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Re: PM 4.5 Veeeeeery Slow and Image problems
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 05:23:40 AM »

I'll try to repeat that problem but I haven't been able to do that yet. As soon as I do I'll send you files...



Theo Ribeiro
Skype: theorib

+54 9 2944 695103
+55 11 3864-2747
