Thank you for the log file. I see this error multiple times in your log:
[Thu Aug-06-2020 15:51:09.476][700008712000][8111756] IngestDialog.cpp:1600 Warning: Not erasing volume "/Volumes/CFexpress B/", because it contains system files or is not a removable volume.
...followed by:
[Thu Aug-06-2020 15:51:10.986][1119bddc0][8117088] IngestTasksDialog.cpp:1367 Warning: Unable to unmount volume "/Volumes/CFexpress B/".
MacOS isn't allowing Photo Mechanic to unmount the disk and we have safety measures to never erase a volume that is not removable (usually this is an internal drive).
Why macOS treats your CFExpress disk as a non-removable disk, I do not know. I suggest formatting in your camera. It's the best way to get your cards ready for reuse since the camera is going format it perfectly.