I have been working extensively with photos via the Browse and normal folder-based contact sheets.
I have been developing photos in DxO PhotoLab and then scanning the output folder for the developed photos back into the catalog then applying keyword paths. I then also copied photos to the folder-based contact sheet from the Browse tab. The folder-based contact sheet had been catalogued.
I then tried to update all photos in the folder-based contact sheet to 5 stars and an error popped up with no details. I decided to re-scan that folder and suddenly there were about double the number of photos in the catalog for that folder which was obviously wrong.
The only thing I could do to fix the issued was to delete the catalog and re-create it.
That's unfortunate. In the above case we would have liked to have access to your catalog and the logs. Without them, or a set of steps to follow that reproduce the problem, it will be more difficult to fix.
I think the database is not being updated correctly when re-scanning the output folder from DxO which overwrites existing photos if they already exist.
I think the database updates need to be very carefully looked at when scanning a folder that is already cataloged and existing photos have been updated.
If you can tell us how to reproduce the problem, we'd really appreciate it.
As I have mentioned in another post, I think it is very important to have an option to re scan a folder for changes. Also it would be VERY useful to designate a folder to watch for changes. This would be useful when developing photos in other software like DxO. There are many other programs that do this very effectively.
We likely won't be doing any "watched" folders, but we will have a 'sync' tool, very likely before release.