Author Topic: Photo Mechanic Plus Beta 22  (Read 3638 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Photo Mechanic Plus Beta 22
« on: September 17, 2020, 03:06:07 PM »
Hello Everyone,

This is the twentyfirst update to the Photo Mechanic Plus beta.  This beta is open to all Photo Mechanic 6 users.  We would appreciate you trying the beta of Photo Mechanic Plus and giving us your feedback and relay any bugs that you find to us.  Two new message boards have been created to discuss the beta.  Please do not discuss the beta on any of the other boards.  For support on the beta post in, and to request features, post in

Please note that the Photo Mechanic Plus Beta is not feature complete nor is it tuned for maximum performance.  Any catalogs you create may need to be updated if the underlying database format changes.

We invite you to be part of the development process.

Download links:



Public Beta 22 Release (R5089) 09/17/2020

All Platforms:
● Optimization: Catalog preview (proxy) images are now generated in parallel, improving the speed of that operation on systems having multi-core CPUs.
● Added: Browse and Filter metadata names now use the customized names that the user has assigned in the Metadata Info dialog layout settings.
● Added: Catalog status indicators now draw in yellow when an item is not locally available.
● Added: Snapshot button added to Custom Search filter that shares snapshots with the Quick Search field.
● Added: Recently used values in most Metadata fields are now listed in the field popup menus.
● Added: Olympus EM10 Mk IV raw file support.
● Added: New selection algorithm speeds up the selection of large numbers of items.
● Added: Separated Search Examples out into their own top-level window, accessible via the Catalog menu or Quick Search snapshot button.
● Fixed: Corrected an issue with Collections that could cause them to fail to be opened.
● Fixed: Collection contextual menu item enabled state improvement.
● Fixed: Drag and drop of a large number of items from a Contact Sheet no longer hangs the application. If the drag data cannot be created within a few seconds then the drag is canceled.
● Fixed: When interacting with Filter stages, the corresponding Filter Contact Sheet tab is activated.
● Fixed: After making metadata changes to items in a Catalog results Contact Sheet that would cause the set of results to change, rescanning the Contact Sheet will now show the updated results.
● Fixed: Non-local images (images that cannot be resolved to a mounted volume path) are no longer included in drag and drop operations.
● Fixed: It is now possible to remove items from catalog whose local file has already been deleted outside PM.

● Fixed: Added code to protect against crashes that could occur when right-clicking on a non-local catalog item or when double-clicking it to open it in an editor.

● Fixed: Made sorting consistent in Contact Sheets after renaming items.