it looks like the camera dates are incorrect as shown below:
Create Date : 2063:08:20 11:37:56.86
Date/Time Original : 2063:08:20 11:37:56.86
Modify Date : 2063:08:20 11:37:56.86
GPS Date/Time : 2018:06:23 11:37:57.68Z
The GPS date appears correct and corresponds very closely to the xmp date.
If you believe the GPS date and time is correct (the GPS date is GMT or Zulu time) then you can very easily replace all the date and time fields with the GPS date and time using ExifTool.
You can download the latest exiftool from and install it on your computer and type in the required command to fix your dates.
I strongly suggest you copy ALL the files you want to fix into a work folder and also copy exiftool.exe to the same directory. Once this is done open a cmd window and navigate to the work directory a.
I will give you two commands to run, one will make the changes into a copy of the original file and the other will update the original file and you will not have a backup.
Make changes to a backup
exiftool "-AllDates<GPSDateTime" *.nef
Make changes to original
exiftool "-AllDates<GPSDateTime -overwrite_original" *.nef
These commands update the following exif fields:
Create Date
Date/Time Original
Modify Date
You will need to update your xmp files so they reflect the updated dates.
If you need further help feel free to ask.