For more than 24 hours the Preview Generation has been stuck at 2555 batches remaining (0.2/sec, set. 2.9 hours). If this is not a PM+ bug, could this have something to do with some of my images (size, corruption, etc) and how can I figure out which ones?
Does the New Unofficial Build 5465 address this issue? For at the moment, I don't have the confidence to begin using PM+ in earnest.
No, it does not. We still need help reproducing the problem. Would it be possible for you to share the images that cause PM Plus to stall when generating previews?
It would be possible if PM+ produced a log.
If you turn on CATALOG_DEBUG_LOGGING, it should produce a substantial log.
This was something I did for you last week, so I'll do it again with a new catalog.
I deleted the old catalog, closed PM, and deleted the contents of /Users/mike/Library/Caches/Photo Mechanic, because there were cached TIFF files that (in my opinion) shouldn't have been there, having just deleted the catalog.
After an macOS Restart and disabling energy saving for good measure, I started a Scan to Catalog around 21:20 to a new catalog. When I checked for progress around 00:45 there were 2579 previews to go. The next morning around 09:45 there were still 2579 waiting. In other words, PM was busy doing nothing more than filling up the logs - it was in a continuous loop and going nowhere.
The dyn.log records the first [ERR!] at [2021-01-09 23:34:19.403 Sat] and mentions a missing comma. I'll leave it to you to decipher it. I checked the previous batch of images and all render just fine in LR and Quickview.
Lastly, why is PM.log saying it can't open /Users/mike/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/' due to ERRNO:1 ? Why does it even want to? I didn't ask it to. Very odd.
AT THIS POINT in drafting the above text in TextEdit, I launched PM+ again to see if it would continue rendering. It didn't, so I closed PM+. However, I noticed it had created another log file called din.1.log, so I opened it in TextEdit. This cause TextEdit to go unresponsive using 100% CPU time. After awhile I decided to Force Quit TextEdit. It would appear PM+ had left a process running and was continuing to write the log - consuming more disk space.
If you think I'm becoming pissed off, you'd be right. After 15 years of development, I did expect something better than this. However, I will stick with you for a little while longer, but I've better things to do with my time than spend hours, days and weeks reporting bugs.