I keep all my images with individual file numbers as produced by the camera. As examples - _5051234, _5051235 etc. Unfortunately, I frequently get caught out when the count goes over 9999 and starts again at 0000. So I end up with _5059999, _5050000, _5050001 etc. Eventually, I remember to go into the camera menu and change the prefix from 505 to 506 and all is well again.
This invariably leaves me with a number of mages that have the "incorrect" filename / sequence. Having ingested these into PMP and then culled the shoot, can anyone kindly advise how I may change the filenames from the 505 to 506? As mentioned, I no longer have a sequential number of images so am at a loss at the moment. I have a few hundred images I do not wish to have to change manually.....
Thanks for any help.