Right now I'm using LR for all my cataloging & editing needs but am looking into using Capture 1 & PM+ (with photoshop when necessary...sadly). I used to use Media Pro (may it rest in peace). Over a year ago I did some early beta testing of PM+ but abandoned it because of time constraints. I'm circling back around now.
I know you can have images in your catalog when they're offline but is it possible to apply metadata to offline files and when said files are back online the metadata is pushed to the files?
No, not yet. The images must be online to be able to be modified.
It seems like PM+ is broken down into two sections, the navigator (basically a file browser where you can make changes to metadata) and the organizer (where the catalog is). Can you make any metadata changes in the organizer? Or are changes strictly done in the browser?
You can make changes to metadata to any online files in folder-based contact sheet tabs and in any contact sheet tabs that the Organizer produces (Search, Filter, Browse, Collections.)
I ask the above question because I'm thinking in the mind of a LR & Media Pro user, where if you made a change to the file in the program you have to sync/push it to the file. I'm trying to wrap my head around how PM+ handles this. I know when you make a change to the file in PMs navigator it changes it in the file instantly (and vice versa if you change the files metadata in another program). But how do changes register in the catalog? Do files need to be updated/rescanned/synced (not sure what verbiage PM uses for this)?
If you make metadata changes from within Photo Mechanic Plus, your catalog(s) should be updated automatically.