I started using the HDR raw DNG file format (48-bit) to archive negative scans coming out of Silverfast. Mylio and Affinity Photo can read and display these files without a problem. In PM (Build 5820) the thumbnail displays are empty and the filenames are shown in red. When opening in the Preview window, it shows 'Unsupported Format Variant' instead of the preview.
Interestingly, in cases where I created the corresponding JPEG file in the same folder, PM does not render the JPEG either, although it recognizes the JPEG's presence by showing 'filename.png+jpg' below the thumbnail. Also, trying to add IPTC information to the files results in an error message.
I enabled Raw Rendering with Adobe DNG Converter, but when trying to use Tools/Raw-to-DNG I get an error message that no raw files are available.
When manually processing the Silverfast DNG files with Adobe DNG converter, PM can read the files. However, when I developed the converted, PM readable files I noticed that the color information must have been changed during the conversion process and the color rendering comes out quite differently in my raw developer. Also, Adobe DNG converter reduces the file size to about 50% of the original (despite using a non-compressed setting). Since the file content appears to be modified during the DNG conversion, I would prefer to stick with the original DNG images in my archive.
Any suggestions how to make these Silverfast DNG files usable in PM, especially for using the IPTC functionality?