Not the answer to your question, but if you are using "/" as your delimiting character, you are missing out on powerful capabilities during ingest. I, for example, set my primary destination to MY COMPUTER NAME/.../Master Ingest Folder. So I have set-up a folder that I know all of my ingested images go into. I set my ingest to say to the folder {datesortdash} {event}. This automatically saves into a named and dated subfolder.
Even better, I can, for example, save to {datesortdash} {event}/[Firstname] [Lastname] so when I am doing a photoshoot of multiple athletes' portraits, I would automatically create a named subfolder for each athlete. My delimiting character is "=". When the default delimiting character was "/", this method would not work because I wanted PM to create a subfolder, but PM thought I was trying to do a Code replacement.
The short version is change your delimiting character and it will allow you to automatically create subfolders on ingest, a powerful capability.