Hey folks, just started trialling PM and have had a nasty little problem come up.
I use CaptureOne Pro (new version 3.7.6), for my RAW conversions and the files are Nikon .NEFs.
It seems that when I add IPTC info to the RAW files in PM (using either the drop-down menu option to apply stationary, or pressing "i" and clicking "apply stationary" in the IPTC window), it is nuking the file's White Balance info. The files that I've added that info to (as opposed to only opening as a contact sheet), have had their WB set to 4250K Temp and -50 Tint! That's some seriously UGLY green muck!
I did a test with some files that CaptureOne had already viewed so I knew they were okay. I put them into a "test" folder and opened them in PM. Closed PM. Opened CaptureOne, no problems.
Next I re-opened them and viewed them in the "loupe" view in PM, no problem once I got back to C1.
Then I went through and did the IPTC info in PM (drop-down menu), on half the files. Closed PM and went to C1, those files I had changed were now green (WB had been set to what I said above). Went back to PM and tried the IPTC window (using "apply stationary" button), closed it, back to C1, the rest of the files had changed to green too! A couple of the files I'd checked first went from 5200K Temp & -14 Tint to 4250K & -50.
I find that my D200's white balance is usually spot-on and I don't have to mess with it except if I've left it on the wrong setting or some other extreme circumstances. Because of this, the WB change is a real PITA! I have to go and manually set all the WB's! And I just can't be sure it's close enough to what I shot to make me happy about it! (I like to keep it as "out of the camera" as possible for WB and colour settings).
I've checked my colour settings and the PM one's are set to Adobe1998RGB which is what my camera is out-putting and C1 is set to. I can't think what else could be causing it but obviously the WB info is being over-written or just deleted somehow when the IPTC is saved.
Is this a known problem? Got a fix?