What window is that? It's not a window that's directly a part of Photo Mechanic.
Are you embedding XMP into your ARW files? Some software is incompatible with embedded metadata in RAW files. You'll have to use XMP sidecar files instead. You can control this in the IPTC/XMP section of the Photo Mechanic Preferences dialog. If you go to the snapshot button (has a small lightning bolt on it) and choose the "Adobe" setting, you'll now be creating XMP sidecar files.
To fix any of your affected images, select them in Photo Mechanic and choose the "Revert TIFF-based RAW to Original" command on the Tools menu. Be sure to have the "Backup XMP to XMP sidecar files or re-add to DNGs" checkbox checked. When that operation completes, the embedded metadata will be now in XMP sidecar files (with the same base name as the images) and the image files will be returned to their original state.