Author Topic: I can set primary photo editor, is there a way to set shortcuts for others?  (Read 3265 times)

Offline photohippo

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Hey, Happy New year.

I have 3 different photo editors I use depending on the type of work I am doing.
Affinity Photo, Luminar AI, and a more obscure one I am working on myself

I have configured Affinity as my primary. I hit E (if memory serves) a photo in PM
opens in Affinity.


I would like to hit another key to bring up Luminar.
A different key it brings up the editor I am working on.

Can this be done?
I have tried to look at the user menu, looking for macros or scripting
but I have not yet found a way to do it.

E - Affinity
F - Luminar,
G. My own

(well those keys may be mapped to different tasks already so which key is not important,
only that it does open the correct editor. )
I know I can have "Open up in Finder" but I really just want two additional shortcuts.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Hey, Happy New year.

I have 3 different photo editors I use depending on the type of work I am doing.
Affinity Photo, Luminar AI, and a more obscure one I am working on myself

I have configured Affinity as my primary. I hit E (if memory serves) a photo in PM
opens in Affinity.


I would like to hit another key to bring up Luminar.
A different key it brings up the editor I am working on.

Can this be done?

No, not with keyboard shortcuts.  But you can assign a different editor for each supported file type and pressing 'E' will open the correct editor based on the file type.  You can also assign up to ten editors that are not assigned to any particular type and you can use them from the contextual menu.


Offline Mick O (Camera Bits)

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And, also if you are on a Mac, you actually can do this in macOS preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.   It involves picking which Application you want the keyboard shortcut for, and then typing in the exact name of the menu items that you want to create the shortcut for. Here is an article on the process: (Note we have no affiliation with (I have no idea how this would be done on Windows or if it can be done there.)

As an example, here is how I set up a keyboard shortcut to open an image in Preview. First I set Preview as an external editor in Photo Mechanic as described above ... 

...then I created the macOS keyboard shortcut specifically for Photo Mechanic 6.  Now if I hit 'e' the image will open in my default editor (PS) but if I hit ctrl-q. it will open in macOS Preview...

It can be a bit of a challenge to choose new kb shortcuts that don't conflict with existing ones, so you may need some trial & error and if you forget you've done this, it can really confuse you in the future. So, operate with caution. Hope this helps you

Mick O
Camera Bits

Offline photohippo

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Thank you for the great reply.
I will give this a try.