Author Topic: Adjust Capture Dates tool - wonky for anybody else in 4.5?  (Read 4470 times)

Offline david_hill

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I'm running 4.5 on a 10.4.9 Mac Pro... I'm seeing what appears to be a newly introduced wonkiness in the Adjust Capture Dates and Times dialog.

You can enter a value, such as -2 hours, and apply it. Then the next time you revisit the dialog, where in the past your value would be "remembered," it now appears to be reset to zero. HOWEVER - it's not really reset to zero. If you go click on the arrow, you will see your last value pop up like a phantom. Also, it's possible to make a setting in a different field, such as seconds or days, not realizing that your past "phantom" value is lurking invisibly behind the apparent zero, then really bad confusion ensues... By the same token, clicking the reset button in the dialog no longer works right. When the values actually are visible, they will fail to reset until you click on them, at which point you get a wonky reset to zero.

Is this happening to anybody else, or just me? I searched the forum for this and couldn't find anything relevant, and that's surprising. Maybe I'm the only person who thinks this is like the most totally ultra valuable tool for multi-camera situations... especially given Canon's odd ability to drift a clock.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Adjust Capture Dates tool - wonky for anybody else in 4.5?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2007, 11:53:37 PM »

I'm running 4.5 on a 10.4.9 Mac Pro... I'm seeing what appears to be a newly introduced wonkiness in the Adjust Capture Dates and Times dialog.

You can enter a value, such as -2 hours, and apply it. Then the next time you revisit the dialog, where in the past your value would be "remembered," it now appears to be reset to zero. HOWEVER - it's not really reset to zero. If you go click on the arrow, you will see your last value pop up like a phantom. Also, it's possible to make a setting in a different field, such as seconds or days, not realizing that your past "phantom" value is lurking invisibly behind the apparent zero, then really bad confusion ensues... By the same token, clicking the reset button in the dialog no longer works right. When the values actually are visible, they will fail to reset until you click on them, at which point you get a wonky reset to zero.

I am able to reproduce the problem on my end.  Working on a fix...
