I'm missing some of the features that I had in Media Pro. Perhaps some of these below could be considered for future upgrades? I understand that some of these may not currently be possible but I thought it useful to keep them all together as a group .
1) Clicking on a collection fills a contact sheet. It’d be helpful if I could command click or shift click further collections to add them to the sheet. Even better if I could alt-click a collection to remove only its images from a contact sheet.
2) I’d like to select multiple collections and then add/remove selected photos in a contact sheet to/from them in a single operation.
3) Would be good to be able to drag a subcollection out of its collection to become a main collection or a subcollection in a different collection.
4) Would be good to be able to persistently arrange collections other than alphabetically and to be able to select multiple collections to move in a single operation.
5) Would be helpful to be able to ctrl-click or cmd-click on a collection to select those photos in a contact sheet that are in that collection.
6) Would be very useful to be able to export selected metadata fields from a set of images as a csv or other text file.
7) When one or more images are selected in a contact sheet all the collections that contain it/them should change colour.
David Hoffman