I am using PM+ on a MacOS (Monterey). I have one default catalog which contains multiple duplicate images, the result of bad file management on my part over the years. I am attempting to isolate those duplicate images via renaming so that the renaming function can add letters (A,B,C, etc.) to the end of the filename, thus allowing me to search for those files and to delete them from the catalog and disk. However, I am running into a problem with the renaming command. The exact error message is: "Unable to rename, because many photos are being renamed to be the exact same name 20050508173948.JPG. Please try using a sequence, or choose different renaming variables so that unique names can be generated for all photos when renaming." I am attempting to rename using the following variables: {year4}{month0}{day0}{hour24}{minute}{second}{frame4}. It seems that I should not get this error given that the renaming is set to add letters for duplicates. My images (~150K) are spread across 2 attached ssd's. My catalog is located on my local mac harddrive. The folder containing the images I was attempting to rename has about 5,500 images and is labelled year 2005, however, it doesn't matter which folder I use to run the rename function on as I still get the same error message. To rename, I select all images in that folder, and then Command M to rename.
Any assistance is appreciated.