Author Topic: Is it possible to assign hyboard shortcuts to common keywords?  (Read 2511 times)

Offline photohippo

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With Aperture I had somehow set it up those common keywords were mapped to
keyboard shortcuts.
High level keywords / categories.



Is there a way to do this in PM?

I want my initial workflow to be keyboard only,  rate, high level keyword and so on

I certainly do not want to mouse and click around; it slows down the process by a lot.

I have started using KeySmith On Mac to create macros to trigger on keypress and I might be able to do this with it as well
but I would prefer something standard built in.

I had to start using KeySmith since] rotate is difficult on a Norwegian Mac Keyboard
and I have that mapped sensibly now.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Is it possible to assign hyboard shortcuts to common keywords?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2022, 12:45:55 PM »
With Aperture I had somehow set it up those common keywords were mapped to
keyboard shortcuts.
High level keywords / categories.



Is there a way to do this in PM?

No, there are no configurable keyboard shortcuts in Photo Mechanic.


Offline blasttmann

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Re: Is it possible to assign hyboard shortcuts to common keywords?
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2022, 12:53:01 PM »
I use an app called Typinator on my Mac for replacing common things (I type "kx," and it types "Karl" or "adx" for my address or "phx" for my phone number. You could do something similar. You can also configure it to apply a subset of keywords to a single app.

There are other apps (, such as TextExpander.

I couldn't live without the app, and I think it would do the trick for you.

I've used it for so long that I find myself writing "kx" with a pen, or at least wanting to!