Author Topic: Some PM4.5 bugs with Mac  (Read 4085 times)

Offline Bob Krist

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Some PM4.5 bugs with Mac
« on: May 09, 2007, 02:13:28 PM »
Kirk:  I'm following up on a couple of emails. I upgraded to 4.5 just before leaving for a shooting job in 'Romania and a workshop teaching job in Italy for Nat. Geographic.  Here is a summary of problems that I've had (and two students using PM 4.5 and Mac Books). I'm running a G4 iBook with 1 gig of memory.

1.  Ingests sometimes stall. When we try to abort, PM shows the ingest as aborted, but will not allow me (or two other students with their computers) to quit the program. We can't Force Quit either.  In fact, it locks up OSx.4.9 so badly, we've actually had to remove the laptop batteries to shut the computer down.

2.  I can't, for the life of me, find the preference that says" automatically unmount disk at end of ingest" or whatever that option was called.

3.  In the larger preview mode, only 3 or 4 of the options are actually available. We often lose the view with the data and the zoom mode. 

I always recommend PM to the students in these workshops. I've got a little egg on my face this week because of all the problems we've been having.  I upgraded to the Beta 4.5.1 and the ingests are going fine, but still can't find that preference and the preview windows are still hinky.

Could use your advice and counsel here. My beta 4.5.1 expires tomorrow. It's 11pm here in Italy, so tomorrow is almost here!  ciao, Bob Krist

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Some PM4.5 bugs with Mac
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 03:10:30 PM »

Kirk:  I'm following up on a couple of emails. I upgraded to 4.5 just before leaving for a shooting job in 'Romania and a workshop teaching job in Italy for Nat. Geographic.  Here is a summary of problems that I've had (and two students using PM 4.5 and Mac Books). I'm running a G4 iBook with 1 gig of memory.

1.  Ingests sometimes stall. When we try to abort, PM shows the ingest as aborted, but will not allow me (or two other students with their computers) to quit the program. We can't Force Quit either.  In fact, it locks up OSx.4.9 so badly, we've actually had to remove the laptop batteries to shut the computer down.

I haven't heard of this one before.  It may be related to improperly unmounting cards.  Mac OS X is particularly sensitive about improper unmounting of camera cards.  I recommend physically unplugging the reader from the computer after unmounting the card.

Quote from: Bob Krist
2.  I can't, for the life of me, find the preference that says" automatically unmount disk at end of ingest" or whatever that option was called.

It is in the Ingest dialog, on the right side, near the bottom.

Quote from: Bob Krist
3.  In the larger preview mode, only 3 or 4 of the options are actually available. We often lose the view with the data and the zoom mode.

You can drag the vertical splitter (the thin grey bar with the dimple in its center) with the mouse to reveal the controls.

Quote from: Bob Krist
I always recommend PM to the students in these workshops. I've got a little egg on my face this week because of all the problems we've been having.  I upgraded to the Beta 4.5.1 and the ingests are going fine, but still can't find that preference and the preview windows are still hinky.

Could use your advice and counsel here. My beta 4.5.1 expires tomorrow. It's 11pm here in Italy, so tomorrow is almost here!

Contact me privately with your email address and I will personally make sure that you get something that works for you.

Sorry for the inconvenience,


Offline Bob Krist

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Re: Some PM4.5 bugs with Mac
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 03:06:18 PM »
Kirk:  Please don't apologize. Your program is still the absolute best in the business for both the software and the support.  I just got a bit panicky because I had 17 people waiting for me to help them, and I was stymied and confused myself.

As an update, I've not had any other Ingest issues since going to PM 4.5.1.  I actually had the two students in class who were on a 4.5 demo reload the last version of PM 4.4 and they're fine too.

I'm embarrassed that I forgot where to find the "unmount source disk after ingest"----I'm chalking it up to jetlag.

I've worked with that little dot in the preview windows and that seems to have solved my issue with that as well.

So, I'm clear from here.  Many thanks to you and Bob for following up.  cheers, Bob Krist

You can drag the vertical splitter (the thin grey bar with the dimple in its center) with the mouse to reveal the controls.

Quote from: Bob Krist
I always recommend PM to the students in these workshops. I've got a little egg on my face this week because of all the problems we've been having.  I upgraded to the Beta 4.5.1 and the ingests are going fine, but still can't find that preference and the preview windows are still hinky.

Could use your advice and counsel here. My beta 4.5.1 expires tomorrow. It's 11pm here in Italy, so tomorrow is almost here!

Contact me privately with your email address and I will personally make sure that you get something that works for you.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

