Author Topic: DNG files from phone show as grey squares  (Read 2298 times)

Offline DavidHoffmanuk

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DNG files from phone show as grey squares
« on: June 18, 2022, 12:49:45 AM »
DNGs from my OnePlus 5 Android phone's Open Camera app from only show as grey squares with their filenames shown in red. Other DNGs show as normal. Each DNG has a corresponding jpg and these show as normal. Viewing as 'combined files' shows the image, presumably from the jpg, but if I uncheck that to view just the DNGs then I only see the grey squares.

If I open one of the DNGs in Photoshop and save a jpg copy then the image shows as it should even with 'combined images unchecked. Also the DNG file size changes from 31.1MB to 12.6MB and it shows the modification date as today although the only change I'd expect would be to the embedded xmp data. I don't understand what's happening here.

Is this intrinsic to the DNGs produced by this app or are there any settings I can tweak to make them visible?

Metadata from one of the files below.

David Hoffman
[ExifTool] ExifToolVersion: 10.59
[File] FileName: 180511_194056.dng
[File] Directory: /Volumes/Mercury/pics 1 + 2/album/phone pics/phone pics added 180820
[File] FileSize: 31 MB
[File] FileModifyDate: 2020:06:10 22:27:57+01:00
[File] FileAccessDate: 2022:06:18 08:19:42+01:00
[File] FileInodeChangeDate: 2022:06:18 08:21:27+01:00
[File] FilePermissions: rw-r--r--
[File] FileType: DNG
[File] FileTypeExtension: dng
[File] MIMEType: image/x-adobe-dng
[File] ExifByteOrder: Little-endian (Intel, II)
[EXIF] SubfileType: Full-resolution Image
[EXIF] ImageWidth: 4656
[EXIF] ImageHeight: 3496
[EXIF] BitsPerSample: 16
[EXIF] Compression: Uncompressed
[EXIF] PhotometricInterpretation: Color Filter Array
[EXIF] ImageDescription: Grove garden 2018
[EXIF] Make: OnePlus
[EXIF] Model: ONEPLUS A5000
[EXIF] StripOffsets: (Binary data 30280 bytes, use -b option to extract)
[EXIF] Orientation: Rotate 90 CW
[EXIF] SamplesPerPixel: 1
[EXIF] RowsPerStrip: 1
[EXIF] StripByteCounts: (Binary data 17479 bytes, use -b option to extract)
[EXIF] XResolution: 72
[EXIF] YResolution: 72
[EXIF] PlanarConfiguration: Chunky
[EXIF] ResolutionUnit: inches
[EXIF] Software: OnePlus/OnePlus5/OnePlus5:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.011/04201219:user/release-keys
[EXIF] ModifyDate: 2018:05:11 19:40:56
[EXIF] Artist: David Hoffman
[EXIF] CFARepeatPatternDim: 2 2
[EXIF] CFAPattern2: 0 1 1 2
[EXIF] Copyright: © David Hoffman
[EXIF] ExposureTime: 1/50
[EXIF] FNumber: 1.7
[EXIF] ExifVersion: 0221
[EXIF] ShutterSpeedValue: 1/50
[EXIF] ApertureValue: 1.7
[EXIF] GPSVersionID:
[EXIF] GPSLatitudeRef: North
[EXIF] GPSLongitudeRef: West
[EXIF] GPSTimeStamp: 18:40:56
[EXIF] GPSDateStamp: 2018:05:11
[EXIF] ISO: 400
[EXIF] DateTimeOriginal: 2018:05:11 19:40:56
[EXIF] FocalLength: 4.1 mm
[EXIF] TIFF-EPStandardID: 1 0 0 0
[EXIF] DNGVersion:
[EXIF] DNGBackwardVersion:
[EXIF] UniqueCameraModel: ONEPLUS A5000-OnePlus-OnePlus
[EXIF] CFAPlaneColor: Red,Green,Blue
[EXIF] CFALayout: Rectangular
[EXIF] BlackLevelRepeatDim: 2 2
[EXIF] BlackLevel: 64 64 64 64
[EXIF] WhiteLevel: 1023
[EXIF] DefaultScale: 1 1
[EXIF] DefaultCropOrigin: 8 8
[EXIF] DefaultCropSize: 4640 3480
[EXIF] ColorMatrix1: 1.40625 -0.671875 -0.21875 -0.96875 1.875 0.0390625 0.03125 -0.1171875 0.625
[EXIF] ColorMatrix2: 2.3046875 -1.59375 -0.40625 -1.0703125 2.1796875 -0.0078125 0.0546875 -0.1171875 1.078125
[EXIF] CameraCalibration1: 0.96875 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.984375
[EXIF] CameraCalibration2: 0.9765625 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
[EXIF] AsShotNeutral: 0.46875 1 0.5703125
[EXIF] CalibrationIlluminant1: D65
[EXIF] CalibrationIlluminant2: Standard Light A
[EXIF] ActiveArea: 0 0 3496 4656
[EXIF] ForwardMatrix1: 0.4375 0.3828125 0.140625 0.21875 0.71875 0.0625 0.015625 0.09375 0.7109375
[EXIF] ForwardMatrix2: 0.4375 0.3828125 0.140625 0.21875 0.71875 0.0625 0.015625 0.09375 0.7109375
[EXIF] OpcodeList2: (Binary data 3908 bytes, use -b option to extract)
[EXIF] OpcodeList3: (Binary data 4 bytes, use -b option to extract)
[EXIF] NoiseProfile: 0.00169219486 0.05641378268 0.00169219486 0.05641378268 0.00169219486 0.05641378268
[XMP] XMPToolkit: Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21
[XMP] Format: image/dng
[XMP] Marked: True
[XMP] WebStatement:
[XMP] CreatorTool: OnePlus/OnePlus5/OnePlus5:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.011/04201219:user/release-keys
[XMP] MetadataDate: 2020:06:10 22:27:57+01:00
[XMP] DocumentID: 2ADA3C645CF8B61E36D996D1E172971E
[XMP] OriginalDocumentID: 2ADA3C645CF8B61E36D996D1E172971E
[XMP] InstanceID: xmp.iid:3d150e85-afde-4d21-b9ac-c6651d018cc2
[XMP] PreservedFileName: 180511_194056.dng
[XMP] PhotographicSensitivity: 400
[XMP] RawFileName: 180511_194056.dng
[XMP] Creator: David Hoffman
[XMP] Rights: © David Hoffman
[XMP] Description: Grove garden 2018
[XMP] UsageTerms: NUJ & BAPLA recommended terms & conditions apply. Moral rights asserted under Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988..Full terms and conditions for digital and traditional use available on request. Credit is required. No part of this photo to be stored, reproduced, manipulated or transmitted by any means without permission.
[XMP] HistoryAction: saved, saved
[XMP] HistoryInstanceID: xmp.iid:462e9f5b-7d56-4aa5-b1ad-0be47e0cd657, xmp.iid:3d150e85-afde-4d21-b9ac-c6651d018cc2
[XMP] HistoryWhen: 2018:09:23 12:00:09+01:00, 2020:06:10 22:27:57+01:00
[XMP] HistorySoftwareAgent: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 7.5 (Macintosh), Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.4.1 (Macintosh)
[XMP] HistoryChanged: /metadata, /metadata
[XMP] CreatorWorkTelephone: +447881817751
[XMP] CreatorCountry: UK
[XMP] CreatorCity: London
[XMP] CreatorWorkEmail:
[XMP] CreatorWorkURL:
[Composite] Aperture: 1.7
[Composite] CFAPattern: [Red,Green][Green,Blue]
[Composite] GPSDateTime: 2018:05:11 18:40:56Z
[Composite] GPSLatitude: 51 deg 31' 51.94" N
[Composite] GPSLongitude: 0 deg 2' 1.98" W
[Composite] GPSPosition: 51 deg 31' 51.94" N, 0 deg 2' 1.98" W
[Composite] ImageSize: 4656x3496
[Composite] Megapixels: 16.3
[Composite] ShutterSpeed: 1/50
[Composite] FocalLength35efl: 4.1 mm
[Composite] LightValue: 5.2

« Last Edit: June 18, 2022, 01:11:19 AM by DavidHoffmanuk »

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: DNG files from phone show as grey squares
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2022, 04:08:50 PM »

Run them through the free Adobe DNG Converter.  Set it to embed large previews for best results.


Offline DavidHoffmanuk

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Re: DNG files from phone show as grey squares
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2022, 01:49:30 AM »
Thanks Kirk, it's so long since I used that app that I'd forgotten about it. The converter does the job perfectly but it's thrown up some more questions.

Searching for 'filetype DNG' doesn't work - should it?

Searching 'DNG$' works but I see no way in PM to search only for the files from the phone and not also include the other DNGs. Have I missed something?

I can find them in Media Pro by searching on 'source device' and 'DNG'. I can then add a keyword with MP, do a full sync in PM and search for the new keyword but is there a quicker way while staying within PM?

These files are scattered among a number of folders. I can only see ways of doing this operation folder by folder even though I can show all the files to convert in a single contact sheet. Might there be a way to convert all the files in that contact sheet, saving them back to their original locations, preferably overwriting the originals rather than renaming?

I'm not optimistic that there will be solutions to these questions but I live in hope...


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: DNG files from phone show as grey squares
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2022, 09:01:50 PM »

Thanks Kirk, it's so long since I used that app that I'd forgotten about it. The converter does the job perfectly but it's thrown up some more questions.

Searching for 'filetype DNG' doesn't work - should it?

Try ADNG instead.  The filetypes that we use are four characters long.

These files are scattered among a number of folders. I can only see ways of doing this operation folder by folder even though I can show all the files to convert in a single contact sheet. Might there be a way to convert all the files in that contact sheet, saving them back to their original locations, preferably overwriting the originals rather than renaming?

I'm not optimistic that there will be solutions to these questions but I live in hope...

The Adobe DNG converter generally likes to process a whole folder of images, but you could try drag and drop of the specific images and see if that works.


Offline DavidHoffmanuk

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Re: DNG files from phone show as grey squares
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2022, 12:06:30 AM »
Hi Kirk

ADNG works as filetype. Thanks.

But drag & drop doesn't work on my Mac Pro running 10.14.6.
