Author Topic: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow  (Read 37197 times)

Offline RogerB

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #60 on: December 16, 2022, 08:43:27 AM »

On macOS, the fastest keyboard repeat rate is thirty repeats per second.  The next notch down is ten repeats per second.  If you're testing by holding down the right arrow key, then the rate at which you can view images will be governed at a minimum by that rate.  There can be other limiting factors like disk speed, CPU speed, memory bandwidth, etc. that can slow things down further.  For instance, browsing on a fast internal SSD will always outpace browsing on a network drive.

The crux of the problem with PM6 and macOS Ventura is that it was taking a long time to physically draw the image on the window.  For our tests, we precache the images by having a limited set of photos (in my test it was 365, 8 megapixel images) and then test the speed of browsing.

We have some timing tests that we can run on our internal builds that take the user out of the equation.  Here are some example timings for build 6645 and 6675, with all images pre-cached which is at this point, timing mostly the 'draw speed'.  In my tests I am hiding the thumbnail gallery, hiding the histogram, hiding the info text, and not having the contact sheet scroll along with the preview. Each of those features has some overhead.  The window is as large as I can make it on a 4k display.

Mac OS Mojave, Mac Pro 2012 128GB RAM, build 6645: 10.969 previews per second
Mac OS Mojave, Mac Pro 2012 128GB RAM, build 6675: 36.008 previews per second
Mac OS Ventura, Mac Mini M1 16GB RAM, build 6675: 58.445 previews per second

I don't have a timing for build 6645 on my Mac Mini, unfortunately.  Though with the above timings, you can see that the Rosetta2 emulated build of 6675 is nearly twice as fast as my Intel CPU system with no emulation.

Perhaps a better test is to see how much lag there is to go between two images (back and forth) with you alternating key presses of the right and left arrow keys.  Is it responsive?  Or does it lag?  If there's no lag with this test and there are lags elsewhere then it's not a draw speed issue.  The issue lies somewhere else and would have to be investigated.

A faster key repeat rate would be a better test from your end, given that you don't have access to our timing tests.



Hi Kirk

Thanks for the detail of your testing, I think I’m in the fortunate position that the degraded performance of build 6645 and earlier builds on Ventura does not have a significant impact on my day to day use of PM with my particular hardware setup, particularly when using the external 4K monitor.  I can see that build 6675 performs better on the laptop screen, but I don’t think I can stress the system enough with keyboard inputs to really see much difference on the 4K screen.

I tried my test again with the key repeat rate on "fast", just looking at the performance of the preview window this time.  On the laptop screen build 6675 is significantly faster, 22 images per second as opposed to 5 images per second on build 6645. On the 4K screen the difference is much less, 23 images per second vs 19 images per second.

I also looked for lag by alternating presses on the left and right arrow keys as quickly as possible. On the laptop screen I can make build 6645 lag quite a bit, but build 6675 is fine: on the 4K screen I get no lag from either version, I just can’t press the keys fast enough to see any lag.

My conclusion is that build 6675 definitely has improved performance, but my system is performant enough that it has to be really stressed to show up the deficiencies in build 6645.

Thank you for all your efforts in addressing this issue, I’ll look forward to a formally released build with the changes included.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #61 on: December 16, 2022, 09:29:25 AM »

Makes no difference. First one still first small, 1-2 seconds later fits window. Press arrow key, 3-5 seconds later next photo appears, next in 1-2 seconds then faster and faster. Holding down arrow key still stutters.

But did it improve the initial opening of the contact sheet?  You mentioned earlier that you were getting a beachball cursor upon opening the contact sheet.

As for the initial image being small/low resolution, that's normal.  The required preview has been requested of the cache, but since it doesn't exist, the cache gives the best image it has available (thumbnail from the contact sheet).  As for the previews not keeping up, the caching system isn't able to generate previews quickly enough for your browse speed.


Offline BobNL

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #62 on: December 16, 2022, 10:47:46 AM »
No didn't make a difference, takes also long till I can start scrolling. It takes around 15 sec til scrolling is sort of smooth. A beachball did appear. Problem might be of course the low spec of the MacBook Air.

That it first opens with a small one, is that new? I can't remember ever noticing it. Maybe it was gone so quick in the past that I didn't notice. It now stays there up to 3-4 seconds.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #63 on: December 16, 2022, 05:13:31 PM »

No didn't make a difference, takes also long till I can start scrolling. It takes around 15 sec til scrolling is sort of smooth. A beachball did appear. Problem might be of course the low spec of the MacBook Air.

That it first opens with a small one, is that new? I can't remember ever noticing it. Maybe it was gone so quick in the past that I didn't notice. It now stays there up to 3-4 seconds.

No, I didn't change anything that would cause that to happen, though there is likely additional memory usage and since your system has 8GB of RAM, which is on the low side nowadays, it could be a lack of memory.  If you open the Activity Monitor app, and click on the Memory tab, what does the chart (with all of the memory statistics) at the bottom show, before and after you start up PM?  Feel free to post a screen shot of the chart if you'd rather not type all of that out.


Offline Max Lemesh

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #64 on: December 17, 2022, 10:54:07 AM »
New issue appeared.

Updated to the latest version and stopped seeing visual representations when dragging images from tab to tab, or to desktop, into the upload form in browser.
When you drag more than one image it shows the number next to cursor, but when it is just one photo you don't see anything. Sometimes it feels like I didn't even click on image, and the only feedback I get is when apps outside PM react to image being dragged into them.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #65 on: December 17, 2022, 11:05:28 AM »

New issue appeared.

Updated to the latest version and stopped seeing visual representations when dragging images from tab to tab, or to desktop, into the upload form in browser.
When you drag more than one image it shows the number next to cursor, but when it is just one photo you don't see anything. Sometimes it feels like I didn't even click on image, and the only feedback I get is when apps outside PM react to image being dragged into them.

We're aware of the problem and have fixed it already.  I will post new builds on Monday.


Offline krakouer

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #66 on: December 17, 2022, 08:09:08 PM »
We have a new build of Photo Mechanic that we believe should resolve the performance issues that resulted from some of the changes that were made in macOS Ventura.

Because we had to make significant changes to how Photo Mechanic draws images to the screen in order to get back the performance you have become accustomed to, we are releasing this build for a testing period before we push this as a general public release. By downloading and using this build, you are acknowledging that this is build is for testing purposes, and we ask that you report any and all issues that you encounter while using this build by replying to this post. While all of our internal testing has shown a great improvement to the performance of Photo Mechanic under macOS Ventura with this build, it has not undergone our typical QA process, so it is possible that there are some bugs that have been introduced by the changes made to address the performance issues. Bugs will always exist, and we can only fix them if we know about them, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you experience any. Please also let us know if this build does resolve the issues that you reported, as positive feedback helps us to know that you tested it.

To download the disk image for test build of Photo Mechanic 6, click: (link removed)
For Photo Mechanic Plus, click: (link removed)

Once you open the disk image, you can either install the new build as if it was any other update for Photo Mechanic, or you can install it alongside your current installation of Photo Mechanic. For Photo Mechanic 6 users, you can either Keep Both or Replace your current installation when the Finder asks. If you Replace it and need to the current public build for any reason, you can find a link to download it on our Downloads page. If you choose to keep both, please make sure that you are launching this new build. You can check if you are running this new build by going to the Photo Mechanic 6 or Photo Mechanic Plus menu and choosing “About Photo Mechanic (Plus)“. In the window that appears, you should see “Photo Mechanic (Plus) Version 6.0, build 6675”.

Here is the list of changes in this build:

• Fixed: Improved preview and thumbnail performance on macOS Ventura and on older macOS versions, especially when running on Apple Silicon Macs.  Intel-based Macs should also see performance improvements as well, but Intel-based systems were unaffected by the new macOS release.
• Fixed: Video controls not High-DPI aware.
• Fixed: Space bar does not play video in Preview window after switching to a new image until cursor is within Preview area.
• Fixed: Command-A in Find window text box does not select all text.
• Fixed: Autocomplete not functioning as expected for {variables}.

Please give the new build a try and let us know what you think of it.


Kirk, thank you. This resolved the issue I PM'ed you about a few weeks ago. Thanks!
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 10:10:18 AM by Kirk Baker »

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #67 on: December 19, 2022, 10:07:50 AM »
New PM6 and Photo Mechanic Plus builds.  These builds address a few issues present in the last build:

Fixed: Append checkbox for Extended Description field changes state to 'checked' when the Clear button is selected.
Fixed: Amazon S3 uploader - allow client to specify login region.
Fixed: thumbnail under mouse cursor no longer appearing when dragging images from contact sheet to folder in Navigator.
Fixed: "Apply" checkbox does not clear for Alt Text or Extended Description fields in Metadata Template dialog.
Fixed: Improved initial scan when using Incremental Ingest.


Offline WildcatPhotog24

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #68 on: December 19, 2022, 10:42:40 AM »
Preview scroll is blazing fast, once again. Thank you Kirk!

Question: should I leave refrain from updating to OS 13.1? (Using 13.0.1 presently).

New PM6 and Photo Mechanic Plus builds.  These builds address a few issues present in the last build:

Fixed: Append checkbox for Extended Description field changes state to 'checked' when the Clear button is selected.
Fixed: Amazon S3 uploader - allow client to specify login region.
Fixed: thumbnail under mouse cursor no longer appearing when dragging images from contact sheet to folder in Navigator.
Fixed: "Apply" checkbox does not clear for Alt Text or Extended Description fields in Metadata Template dialog.
Fixed: Improved initial scan when using Incremental Ingest.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #69 on: December 19, 2022, 11:18:21 AM »
Preview scroll is blazing fast, once again. Thank you Kirk!

Question: should I leave refrain from updating to OS 13.1? (Using 13.0.1 presently).

I'd expect that 13.1 has a number of bug fixes in it and would be better than 13.0.1.


Offline BobNL

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #70 on: December 20, 2022, 07:00:33 AM »
No beachballs with this build. Feel much faster now. Still a little stuttering in folders with 2500 photos but nothing problematic.

Only somehow a view setting was changed. Unknown files as proxies was somehow activated. Else everything seems fine. So good that it feels fast again :)

Offline Kevin M. Cox

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #71 on: December 20, 2022, 04:40:43 PM »
Preview scroll is blazing fast, once again. Thank you Kirk!

Question: should I leave refrain from updating to OS 13.1? (Using 13.0.1 presently).

I'd expect that 13.1 has a number of bug fixes in it and would be better than 13.0.1.


There are a number of security vulnerabilities patched in 13.1:
Kevin M. Cox | Photojournalist

Offline schlotz

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #72 on: December 31, 2022, 05:23:12 AM »
So, are we good now with the speed issue on redrawing etc....?

Offline Riton

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #73 on: December 31, 2022, 07:58:09 AM »
With the speed issue all is OK but there is a very annoying bug when using 6692 build : when I use the crop tool I can't tag the picture with a click in the right hand corner. There is two workaround : the first is to double-click the crop tool, then the tag click works, the second is to use the command+ shortcut, its working also. I hope this annoying bug will be resolved shortly !!!!!!!!

Offline Rguzmanphoto

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Re: After Ventura PM latest Version is extreamly slow
« Reply #74 on: December 31, 2022, 08:04:05 AM »
With the speed issue all is OK but there is a very annoying bug when using 6692 build : when I use the crop tool I can't tag the picture with a click in the right hand corner. There is two workaround : the first is to double-click the crop tool, then the tag click works, the second is to use the command+ shortcut, its working also. I hope this annoying bug will be resolved shortly !!!!!!!!

I posted back when 6692 was released and this was the response from Andrew