Author Topic: FujiFilm X-T5 RAW Files (new 40MP Sensor)  (Read 2508 times)

Offline ddessert

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FujiFilm X-T5 RAW Files (new 40MP Sensor)
« on: January 13, 2023, 12:00:50 PM »
TLDR: Photo Mechanic 6.0 may need an update to properly read FujiFilm's RAW files from its new 40MP sensor on the X-T5 and X-H2.

Viewing the .JPG and .RAF files in Photo Mechanic 6.0 displays the images on-screen at different sizes. The .RAW image is about 1/2 the size on screen that the .JPG file is (see attachments),

I'm using Photo Mechanic 6.0, build 6645 on a 2021 MacBook Pro with Ventura 13.0.1 and pictures taken with a FujiFilm X-T5 with their relatively new 40 M sensor.

I use Photo Mechanic 6.0 to view the photos directly on the SD card.

The RAF+JPG Photo Mechanic 6.0 view of the preview image shows the size of the photos as 7728 x 5152.

I can separate the RAF and JPG file by giving them different names.
The RAF Photo Mechanic 6.0 view of the same preview image shows the size of the photos as 4416 x 2944. If I load this same .RAF file into my photo editing program (Affinity Photo 2 V2.0.3), it says the image size is 5184 x 7752 as expected (it was auto-rotated). 
The JPG Photo Mechanic 6.0 view of the same preview image shows the size of the photos as 7728 x 5152. If I load this same .JPG file into my photo editing program (Affinity Photo 2 V2.0.3), it says the image size is 5152 x 7728 as expected (it was auto-rotated). 

Offline ahoward

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Re: FujiFilm X-T5 RAW Files (new 40MP Sensor)
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2023, 12:38:51 PM »
Photo Mechanic displays the embedded JPEG in your RAW files when viewing the RAW file on its own (and not combined into a single thumbnail like your last screenshot, in which case it prefers the JPEG).

Fuji has historically embedded a pretty small preview in their RAW files, with every camera up until recently embedding a preview with a resolution of 1920x1080. I'm not sure when they started embedding larger previews, but I believe it was within the last year or two. It isn't impossible that RAF files contain another larger JPEG preview, which would indeed require us to push an update, but considering that most if not all Fuji cameras have embedded a preview smaller than the full resolution of the image, I'm guessing there isn't a larger preview than what you are seeing.

Feel free to post a sample file.

Offline ddessert

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Re: FujiFilm X-T5 RAW Files (new 40MP Sensor)
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2023, 04:14:25 PM »
Attached are the RAW file and the SOOC JPG from the FujiFilm X-T5.

I figured that when RAF+JPG are available that Photo Mechanic would show just the JPG file, but I was not aware that: a) the RAF embedded a JPG into it and b) Photo Mechanic displays the embedded JPG preview instead of the RAF.

Offline ahoward

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Re: FujiFilm X-T5 RAW Files (new 40MP Sensor)
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2023, 04:55:08 PM »
The largest JPEG in the file is what Photo Mechanic is displaying.

a) the RAF embedded a JPG into it and b) Photo Mechanic displays the embedded JPG preview instead of the RAF.

Nearly every major camera manufacturer embeds a JPEG in their RAW files. This is generally what you are looking at on the back of the camera. If you want a larger preview than what Fuji has programmed their cameras to embed into their raw files, I would recommend continuing to shoot RAW+JPEG. You can enable RAW rendering but we don't really recommend it.

Offline ddessert

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Re: FujiFilm X-T5 RAW Files (new 40MP Sensor)
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2023, 12:30:17 PM »
I am shooting the RAF+JPG but have noticed issues with the SOOC JPG. It's these issues that started me down this particular rabbit hole.

But now that I understand what is going on, I'm beginning to shift my thoughts on the relative quality of the JPG compression that FujiFilm is using to generate their SOOC JPG (was originally looking at Photo Mechanic). Their SOOC JPG's have what others call "worms" in their out-of-focus background areas that don't appear to be in the RAF files.

I'll check with other 40MP FujiFilm users about the "worms" in their SOOC JPGs.