Hi, I thought I would give you some feedback. Don't you hate it when there is no feedback and you never know what happened?
After lots of clicking around in the UI I wasn't sure what the state of the catalogue was, so I used Time Machine to restore the catalog from several hours before I started clicking around.
Still, nothing seemed to happen when I followed the instructions and tried to update the folder path. I thought maybe there are more hooks into the state of the PM + software. So I cleaned out all the caches tried again. Still didn't seem to work. Eventually however, the PM + software detected that the catalog needed reintegration. I did the reintegration and then things worked according to the previously mentioned instructions.
What went wrong? One thing I wonder is if I was upgrading the folder path and PM + was busy doing that, but I didn't see any change so I kept clicking while it was working on it. I don't know if that would screw things up. If so, of course the instructions could be modified to observe the catalog metadata update task and wait until it had finished before concluding that nothing happened and more clicking in the UI. Or, perhaps even better, but up a dialogue/progress box that says: Be patient user I'm working on it!
I don't know if PM + can withstand multiple clicks in the U I during all tasks or not. I don't know why things stopped working, but the catalog restore and the reintegration and cache flushes seem to bring everything back to normal. What you think?