We wanted you to have Photo Mechanic enable some additional logging that might tell us more about this issue. Please download the attached ZIP file and open it. It will contain a file called 'PMdebug.txt'. We'll want you to place this file in the Photo Mechanic preferences folder.
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Camera Bits, Inc\Photo Mechanic\
To easily get to this folder:
1. Quit Photo Mechanic and open a Windows Explorer window
2. Navigate to your C drive and then proceed to navigate through the folders at the following path:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Camera Bits, Inc\Photo Mechanic\
"AppData" is a hidden folder so you may need to
show hidden files in order to see it
3. Place the 'PMDebug' file in the "Photo Mechanic folder folder.
Now, start up Photo Mechanic again and try to recreate the issue. Once you have done so, please send us a copy of Photo Mechanic's log file. You can access the PM_log.zip file by going to Photo Mechanic's top Help menu and selecting "Reveal Support Data”.
This file may contain file paths and filenames of files that you have accessed in Photo Mechanic, so if you prefer to not share the log file publicly, feel free to email it to support@camerabits.com and we can continue to troubleshoot the issue that way. Otherwise, you can attach it as a reply to this post.