Author Topic: Display list of photos (file names) with all keywords assigned to each photo  (Read 2308 times)

Offline 30west

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Adobe Bridge has a feature where you can display a list of all photos selected in column format with an aligned column of keywords assigned to each photo. I am trying to replicate that feature in PM6+ because I have realized that  although PM6+ has imported all my keywords from Adobe LR (I manually "flattened the list as the structured keywords were problematic in other software BEFORE migrating to PM)...I have a fair number of photos that contain perhaps only 1 keyword (for example the year). This was probably an oversight that I made when keywording in LR, BUT I want to fix it and so far have not found an efficient way to find those files without toggling through EVERY photo in each folder.

An export to a CSV, text or other spreadsheet would be fine as a working list, but I see no way (so far) to do anything but look at the Metadata Info panel on each photo. I am not a professional photographer and all I really need is a good tight Keyword assignment that is reliable. I have about 30k in photos while not large by some comparisons would be a destination insanity to do item by item. I have cancelled my Adobe subscription, but using Bridge may be the only way to do this. I hope NOT. Carl Seifert calls this the 800 lb Gorilla so I'd like to think it could be done in PM.



Offline Bob Russell

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Hello Gary,

Photo Mechanic can export a tab delimited text from the selected group of images using the Export option from the File menu and then selecting the Text Exporter template in the pull down menu at the upper left of the dialog. If you just want to Export the Filename, the Keywords and the Path to the file, then use the following variables in the center field of the Text Exporter :  {fbas}{tab}{keyw}{tab}{path}    See my attached screen shot for this configuration.

Best regards,


Offline 30west

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Thanks. Away from computer now, but give this a shot later this evening. Appreciate quick response.

Offline 30west

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Yes, that works beautifully as advertised. It seems like a fairly arcane process and one that might be suitable for a feature improvement...but thanks. I can definitely work with this.
