Author Topic: User set order of operation ingest workflow  (Read 2070 times)

Offline pdizzle

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User set order of operation ingest workflow
« on: September 09, 2023, 09:44:18 PM »
I think this is a separate feature idea, so I'm making a new thread.  The idea came from here:

I would find it useful if there was a way to set up a list of operations for PM to do during an ingest to automate a set of steps and allow the user to walk away.

For example, I shoot events with dual cameras.  One list of operations for me would be to have PM import x number of memory cards, once all memory cards are imported then PM will apply metadata and then once metadata is applied, rename all the files.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: User set order of operation ingest workflow
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2023, 03:55:36 PM »
How would this feature know when all of the cards have been provided such that it could know when to initiate the next step?  Would all of the cards be mounted at once?


Offline pdizzle

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Re: User set order of operation ingest workflow
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2023, 09:05:01 PM »
Either all cards mounted at once or the user tells PM how many cards there will be and once 'x # of cards' are successfully imported, proceed to next step

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: User set order of operation ingest workflow
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2023, 08:08:06 AM »
And what happens if one or more cards fail to ingest without errors?


Offline pdizzle

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Re: User set order of operation ingest workflow
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2023, 08:50:43 PM »
I think have a user option on how to handle that, possibly on a per step basis.

Options being:
stop and alert
continue anyways
continue until a certain step

In my use case, a failed ingest could continue to apply metadata but not rename the files.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: User set order of operation ingest workflow
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2023, 11:31:37 AM »
Ingest already has the ability to apply metadata and rename your files as the Ingest progresses.  What is it that your feature would do that Ingest doesn't already do?  How would the end result differ?


Offline pdizzle

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Re: User set order of operation ingest workflow
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2023, 03:28:46 PM »
For naming - if you are importing card from a multi cam shoot and you want {seqn} to be based off of when the photos were shot, then this would be good because you can wait for the importing of multiple cards to finish and then let it rename

For metadata - I've found it quicker to import my cards and then apply metadata all at once

Offline Sven

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Re: User set order of operation ingest workflow
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2023, 06:04:35 AM »
I rename the images during ingest this way: {iptcyear4}{iptcmonth0}{iptcday0}_{hour24}{minute}{second}{subsecond}
This requires that the time and date of the cams is in sync to avoid a wrong order. If you don't do more than 1 image per second you could skip the {subsecond}
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