Yes. After you have added the metadata in Step 3, select the images and then use the Text Exporter Template from the Export utility, in the File menu.
- Add the IPTC fields variables to the center field, for each field you need to export. The tab variable will separate each IPTC field variable. Eg, {fbas}{tab}{keyw}{tab}{capt}{tab}{prsn}{tab}{phtg} to export the keywords, caption, persons and photographer fields. Export the text file.
- Go to the Edit menu -> Settings -> Set Code Replacement and Add the text file you just export. My example is using the = sign for the delimiting character.
- Now setup the Metadata (IPTC) Template from the Image menu, with the matching code replacement variables in the fields.
Eg from the example above, the Keywords field will have ={fbas}#1=, the Caption field will have ={fbas}#2=, the Persons Shown field will have ={fbas}#3= and the Photographer field will have ={fbas}#4=.
- Now you will open a contact sheet on the Tiff files in Step 4, select all and apply the Metadata (IPTC) Template. I recommend testing how the Metadata Template updates one image to make sure you have the correct variables in the matching fields. If it updates the same as the original, then you should be all set for a batch update.
Best regards,