Author Topic: Photo Mechanic Code Replacement Does Not Load & Global IPTC Template Stuck  (Read 2422 times)

Offline dinanm3atl

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Item 1 - I created a .txt file and use the code replacement loader, click add, it shows it is there and click OK. If I try to use the code replacement nothing happens. When I go back to the code replacement loader it is now empty. If I load the .txt and click edit I can see the information exists. Click OK. Same deal. It will not stay loaded. How can I fix this issue?

Item 2 - My "Global" IPTC template is stuck and will not allow updating. If I change anything and save it the template will simply revert back to what it was. I have since been using local template with files saved for different things to load quickly. Would be good to not have to keep doing this so advice on getting this solved as well?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Item 1 - I created a .txt file and use the code replacement loader, click add, it shows it is there and click OK. If I try to use the code replacement nothing happens. When I go back to the code replacement loader it is now empty. If I load the .txt and click edit I can see the information exists. Click OK. Same deal. It will not stay loaded. How can I fix this issue?

Item 2 - My "Global" IPTC template is stuck and will not allow updating. If I change anything and save it the template will simply revert back to what it was. I have since been using local template with files saved for different things to load quickly. Would be good to not have to keep doing this so advice on getting this solved as well?

I'd like to see your Photo Mechanic log.  In Photo Mechanic go to the Help menu and choose "Reveal Support Data..." and moments later a Finder window will come forward with the zipped log file selected.  Use the 'Attachments and other options' link when you're composing your reply to this message and there you'll be able to upload your zipped PM log file.



Offline dinanm3atl

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Photo Mechanic 6
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Item 1 - I created a .txt file and use the code replacement loader, click add, it shows it is there and click OK. If I try to use the code replacement nothing happens. When I go back to the code replacement loader it is now empty. If I load the .txt and click edit I can see the information exists. Click OK. Same deal. It will not stay loaded. How can I fix this issue?

Item 2 - My "Global" IPTC template is stuck and will not allow updating. If I change anything and save it the template will simply revert back to what it was. I have since been using local template with files saved for different things to load quickly. Would be good to not have to keep doing this so advice on getting this solved as well?

I'd like to see your Photo Mechanic log.  In Photo Mechanic go to the Help menu and choose "Reveal Support Data..." and moments later a Finder window will come forward with the zipped log file selected.  Use the 'Attachments and other options' link when you're composing your reply to this message and there you'll be able to upload your zipped PM log file.



Attached. Thank you.

Offline ahoward

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The log file indicates that the Preferences database is corrupt, which would explain why the things you are attempting to change are not being saved, as these changes are saved in the Photo Mechanic Preferences database.

From the article linked below, follow steps 1-5:

Then, quit Photo Mechanic and open Finder
Choose the 'Go' menu from the top of your screen and hold down the Option key on your keyboard
With the 'Option' key held down, 'Library' will appear. Click on that and a Finder window will open to the 'Library' Folder
In the Library folder, locate Preferences and open it.
In Preferences, locate 'com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic' and rename it to 'com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic-OLD'. Finder may ask if you are sure that you want to change the name of this folder, so you should allow that, if prompted.
Launch Photo Mechanic again, and follow steps 7-10 from the article linked above (ignore the part about the 'other computer' in step 7, just do the whole thing on the computer with the problem)

Offline dinanm3atl

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The log file indicates that the Preferences database is corrupt, which would explain why the things you are attempting to change are not being saved, as these changes are saved in the Photo Mechanic Preferences database.

From the article linked below, follow steps 1-5:

Then, quit Photo Mechanic and open Finder
Choose the 'Go' menu from the top of your screen and hold down the Option key on your keyboard
With the 'Option' key held down, 'Library' will appear. Click on that and a Finder window will open to the 'Library' Folder
In the Library folder, locate Preferences and open it.
In Preferences, locate 'com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic' and rename it to 'com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic-OLD'. Finder may ask if you are sure that you want to change the name of this folder, so you should allow that, if prompted.
Launch Photo Mechanic again, and follow steps 7-10 from the article linked above (ignore the part about the 'other computer' in step 7, just do the whole thing on the computer with the problem)

Awesome code replacement works. I'll play with a random card and ingest/IPTC template on the global aspect later to confirm on that front.

Thank you!