Author Topic: import with “incremental ingest"  (Read 1537 times)

Offline Jaap van der Pijll

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import with “incremental ingest"
« on: June 24, 2024, 08:08:18 AM »
What am I doing wrong …

I am trying to read photos from card via ingest to a hard drive “/volumes/media_03/test” I entered “Iron” in folder name.  The photos copied to the harddrive folder.

If I remove the photos from the folder name (the directory is empty again) and now import them with the options “incremental ingest: copy new photos only” and “Auto Ingest” nothing happens. No photos will be copied. Not even when I create a new folder.

What am I forgetting, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks for contributing ideas.

Offline Jaap van der Pijll

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Re: import with “incremental ingest"
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2024, 09:47:51 AM »
It seems like a specific card issue.!

Offline ahoward

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Re: import with “incremental ingest"
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2024, 02:26:19 PM »
It seems like a specific card issue.!
Can you expand on this?

If I remove the photos from the folder name (the directory is empty again) and now import them with the options “incremental ingest: copy new photos only” and “Auto Ingest” nothing happens. No photos will be copied. Not even when I create a new folder.

Not sure if I follow. If you are removing the images from the source, there there will be nothing for Ingest to copy. Ingest does not consider what files are at the destination for incremental Ingest, it only keeps a record of the files on the card, so if you've Ingested all the images and Incremental Ingest is enabled and you try to Ingest that card again, nothing will be copied.

Offline Jaap van der Pijll

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Re: import with “incremental ingest"
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2024, 01:29:33 AM »
My camera Canon EOS R3 has two card slots. I write the photos to both cards simultaneously. When I import photos with the options "incremental capture: copy new photos only" and "Auto Ingest" on card 1, nothing happens.
If I want to import photos from card 2 with the same settings, it works.

Hence my cautious conclusion that it is a card problem.

Offline Mick O (Camera Bits)

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Re: import with “incremental ingest"
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2024, 08:48:55 AM »
As Kirk noted,  The incremental ingest feature keeps track of what files were ingested off each individual card and will skip them on subsequent ingests -- even if you've deleted/moved them off the hard drive. Each card's record is separate, so if you ingest IMG_001, IMG_002, and IMG_003 from card 1, delete them and then plug in card 2 with the same files, they will ingest.  This is how it was designed.

If you want to re-ingest files from a card that you have previously ingested and then deleted/moved the files, then turn off incremental ingest.

Mick O
Camera Bits

Offline nemophoto

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Re: import with “incremental ingest"
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2024, 09:23:02 AM »
My camera Canon EOS R3 has two card slots. I write the photos to both cards simultaneously. When I import photos with the options "incremental capture: copy new photos only" and "Auto Ingest" on card 1, nothing happens.
If I want to import photos from card 2 with the same settings, it works.
So, if I understand correctly, you are trying to ingest directly from a connected camera? If I may suggest, use a card reader. I have had issues over the years (multiple programs) importing images from the camera as well as finding it slower than a good card reader. The one I use Prograde which is USB-C and has slots for CFExpress as well as SD and is much faster than any camera I've used without a problem. Just a suggestion.


Offline Jaap van der Pijll

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Re: import with “incremental ingest"
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2024, 01:38:28 AM »
Nemo, sorry for my late response...
No, I read in via a card reader. My problem has been solved, it was a card problem.