If you want to share a file (same one from card and ingested), I'd be happy to investigate.
Thanks, Kirk. Sure, where do I send them?
UPDATE: After opening both files in Photoshop and exporting the File Info > Raw Data to a text file, I asked ChatGPT to summarize the differences. It turns out:
The primary differences between the two files are as follows:
Modification and Metadata Dates:
Original: <xmp:ModifyDate>2024-08-08T21:16:59+02:00</xmp:ModifyDate>
Ingested: <xmp:ModifyDate>2024-08-08T21:15:44+02:00</xmp:ModifyDate>
Original: <xmp:MetadataDate>2024-08-08T21:16:59+02:00</xmp:MetadataDate>
Ingested: <xmp:MetadataDate>2024-08-08T21:15:44+02:00</xmp:MetadataDate>
Document and Instance IDs:
XMP Rights and Photo Mechanic Metadata (Ingested file):
Ingested file contains additional metadata:
Image Number (Ingested file):
Ingested file has an additional tag:
Legacy IPTC Digest (Ingested file):
Ingested file has:
These differences explain why a duplicate file finder tool might not recognize these files as identical, even though they are essentially the same. The metadata changes and additional tags result in different file signatures.