Author Topic: Code Replacement - Automatically add replaced value to clipboard  (Read 2270 times)

Offline Jim S.

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When tagging photos, I usually wind up having the same player appear in several consecutive shots.

It would be nice if the clipboard updated after every code replacement, so instead of re-typing the code, or manually selecting the player name and copying it, it would just automatically be added to the clipboard.

In other words, I enter =ac17= once and that resolves to Kennedy Fuller, and puts that name on the clipboard. I hit ALT-Right to save and advance, and lo and behold, it's Fuller again. I hit CTRL-V to paste, then hit ALT-Right again.

Yes, I can manually do this, but it's a minor annoyance when the next player is different, and regardless, it's extra keystrokes that wind up adding up over 400 shots.

Since some folks probably don't want their clipboard getting blown away, this probably needs to be an option you can set in Preferences. Or maybe create a new keystroke combination like CTRL-SHIFT-V to repeat the last code replacement value. Either way, it would certainly at least make me feel like tagging was going more quickly.

Offline Mick O (Camera Bits)

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Re: Code Replacement - Automatically add replaced value to clipboard
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2024, 03:03:11 PM »
If you're talking about keywords, the standard way to solve this is to select all the images with Kennedy Fuller, and apply a metadata template that adds the =ac17= to all of them at one time.

Mick O
Camera Bits

Offline Max Lemesh

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Re: Code Replacement - Automatically add replaced value to clipboard
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2024, 01:43:16 AM »
And again, we keep coming back to custom shortcuts

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Code Replacement - Automatically add replaced value to clipboard
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2024, 07:50:58 AM »
In the Plus version, it offers a 'Recents' section in the popup menus that appear to the right side of each field.  They hold the ten last most-recent field values.  They're pretty efficient to use and don't mess with the clipboard.  We'll consider enabling that feature in the Standard edition of Photo Mechanic.


Offline Jim S.

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Re: Code Replacement - Automatically add replaced value to clipboard
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2024, 02:50:50 PM »
I am using the Plus version, so I'm aware of the dropdown, but that's still not as efficient hitting CTRL-V when tagging the same person six times in a row. Especially if my hands are already on the keyboard.

I'll look at doing this from the contact sheet, but I feel like that only solves part of the problem-- I can tag the obvious players, but at some point, I'm back to going shot by shot. Then it's a question of if it makes more sense to back out to the contact sheet to knock out the sequence, or go back a frame, copy the name manually, then move forward.

A couple other possible ways to solve this without messing with the clipboard:

- Entering == (or whatever the delimiter character was defined as) would repeat the last substitution

- Add a hot key to activate the "Persons Show" dropdown, at which point I could use the arrow keys to select someone. Since I just used the Alt-Right key to get to this image, I'd keep the Alt key as the trigger so I don't have to move my hand