Author Topic: Capitalize on iView situation  (Read 5739 times)

Offline rpasley

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Capitalize on iView situation
« on: June 02, 2007, 06:51:12 PM »
I don't mean to be telling you your business, but I've been a very long term user of iView MediaPro (and all its predecessors) and you should know that their roll-out of the new MS Expression Media package in the last few days has been a bit of a (predictable) disaster that Camerabits should jump all over.

They released the "new" repackaged version to licensed users yesterday and MS completely blew it with Mac users (I don't know about PC users) by distributing faulty licensing keys...none worked for all those of us who anxiously downloaded the new software to see what damage MS had done.  The release's only apparent change is in the interface icons, which are simply badly designed replacements for previously OK icons, and there are now a whole lot of dedicated lovers of what was a good software product pi**ed off and looking for anything...ANYTHING...that does not have the MS nameplate on it...

Just my 2 cents...


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Capitalize on iView situation
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2007, 10:28:58 PM »
I don't mean to be telling you your business, but I've been a very long term user of iView MediaPro (and all its predecessors) and you should know that their roll-out of the new MS Expression Media package in the last few days has been a bit of a (predictable) disaster that Camerabits should jump all over.

They released the "new" repackaged version to licensed users yesterday and MS completely blew it with Mac users (I don't know about PC users) by distributing faulty licensing keys...none worked for all those of us who anxiously downloaded the new software to see what damage MS had done.  The release's only apparent change is in the interface icons, which are simply badly designed replacements for previously OK icons, and there are now a whole lot of dedicated lovers of what was a good software product pi**ed off and looking for anything...ANYTHING...that does not have the MS nameplate on it...

A cataloging module for Photo Mechanic is in the works.
