I see in your Ingest dialog screen shot that you have the option set to Use Local Template. If you did intend to use the Local Metadata Template, then the only way to open the dialog is by clicking the Metadata (IPTC) Template button at the bottom of the Ingest dialog. Each field in the Metadata Template dialog will have an Apply check box on the left. At least one of fields apply box needs to be check before the Metadata Template can be applied. Most people like the Use Global Template option. This will let them configure the Global Metadata (IPTC) Template from the Image menu option or by using the Control-i shortcut from the Contact Sheet. You can still use the Metadata (IPTC) Template button at the bottom of the Ingest dialog to open the Local or Global Metadata (IPTC) Template.
The other screen shot from the Accessibility preference page, showing the Customize Metadata (IPTC) Template dialog, is for configuring the field layout in the dialog. You can move fields around, increase or decrease their size as well as hiding unwanted fields. It does not control which fields are applied to the selected images.
Best regards,