Thank you for looking into it.
I, of course, dont know about the technical part.
So my suggestions about either keeping it open as an option (although it might look ugly), make customizable buttons where you can choose which ones to be visible or mark some of the them to be stick (ie visible) probably doesnt work.
You say global? Is it possible to make it local (if that makes sense) so there is a global shortcut (command U for example) and then a local one?
Or, as you write, that its possible to make a shortcut after the drop down menu is open, is there a way to make a short cut to open the window? Number of shortcuts is not really a problem for me as it is automised so if there would be a longer way to it, that is also fine.
And if you can assign shortcuts to the items when they are open, we might be able to automise the opening of it better than now. A suggestion could be the ability to choose it to be a lot bigger (the problems is often that software arent that precise when moving the indicator) or that it can be assigned to a specific area of the screen so the location is precise.
For me, of course, it doesnt matter how it looks or anything, as I wouldnt have to look at it again as it is then automised....
But please keep thinking about it. Its a huge time saver during a game.
Thank you and enjoy the weekend.