I've not had problems with HEIC files before. Today I downloaded 5 pictures via AirDrop from my iPhone 14 to my computer then opened in Photo Mechanic. Of the 5 one does not render. It looks normal in the Finder and opens normally in Photoshop. I have added a screenshot of the image opened in Photoshop showing its camera info on top of the PM window showing the thumbnail that will not render and the blank screen (note that this is only 3 of the 5 I downloaded). It will not open to the Preview window if I double click the "bad" file, but if I double click one of the files that renders I can then move to the blank file.
I tested with version 6.0, build 7212 (90865b3), 6.0, build 7239 (d308d8d), and just saw there is a new Beta build d308d8dbBeta. All are exactly the same for this issue.
Incidentally, the pictures are of problems I am having with my R5 Mark II so now I am trying to troubleshoot my troubleshooting!