Author Topic: File Type Omission  (Read 7074 times)

Offline minardphoto

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File Type Omission
« on: June 12, 2007, 07:09:46 AM »
Normally, my workflow is ingesting images from compactflash card (in card reader) using Photo Mechanic straight onto our server. From there, the images are catalogued into Extensis Portfolio database. I have had no problems through this specific workflow.

Though, I've noticed recently that when I initially offload the images onto a computer desktop folder, then ingest using Photo Mechanic, then catalog into Portfolio. I'm noticing that something happens to the the file. Portfolio shows the original .jpg files as not having any file type whatsoever and defaults to multipage format (probably PSD) and will not rotate the verticals, etc.

After further exploration, I'm seeing that Photo Mechanic, through ingest, is not recognizing the file type of any .jpg files that are housed on my desktop and labeling the files as "????". (I'm using File Buddy as a utility to examine the files).

This problem has only occurred recently and is happening on every machine in the office, including MacBook Pro, Intel IMAC and an older G5 (Not Intel). I've been able to successfully ingest straight from my desktop folder through Mechanic into Portfolio with no issue - why all of a sudden is it doing this?

NOTE: I may be wrong but the problem seems to correlate with recent Photo Mechanic 4.5 and OSX software upgrades.
Matthew Minard
Assistant Director of Photography
Baylor University

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: File Type Omission
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 07:39:54 AM »
Normally, my workflow is ingesting images from compactflash card (in card reader) using Photo Mechanic straight onto our server. From there, the images are catalogued into Extensis Portfolio database. I have had no problems through this specific workflow.

Though, I've noticed recently that when I initially offload the images onto a computer desktop folder, then ingest using Photo Mechanic, then catalog into Portfolio. I'm noticing that something happens to the the file. Portfolio shows the original .jpg files as not having any file type whatsoever and defaults to multipage format (probably PSD) and will not rotate the verticals, etc.

After further exploration, I'm seeing that Photo Mechanic, through ingest, is not recognizing the file type of any .jpg files that are housed on my desktop and labeling the files as "????". (I'm using File Buddy as a utility to examine the files).

This problem has only occurred recently and is happening on every machine in the office, including MacBook Pro, Intel IMAC and an older G5 (Not Intel). I've been able to successfully ingest straight from my desktop folder through Mechanic into Portfolio with no issue - why all of a sudden is it doing this?

NOTE: I may be wrong but the problem seems to correlate with recent Photo Mechanic 4.5 and OSX software upgrades.

We no longer observe or set the File type on files.  Just too many problems.  I am surprised that a well-established application like Extensis Portfolio would rely solely on deprecated File Type information.  Apple has been telling developers for years that they should not use File Type information any longer as it is being phased out.  The cross-platform way to do this is use filename extensions, like JPG which your files already have right out of the camera.


Offline minardphoto

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Re: File Type Omission
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2007, 09:15:28 AM »
Thanks for the reply.

I guess my confusion is that when I catalogue an image file with the .jpg extension directly into Portfolio, it catalogues correctly. But, when I ingest that same file through Mechanic and then catalogue to Portfolio, that is when the file seems corrupt.

What is happening within Mechanic when interpreting the file type of the image?
Matthew Minard
Assistant Director of Photography
Baylor University

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: File Type Omission
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2007, 09:40:54 AM »
Thanks for the reply.

I guess my confusion is that when I catalogue an image file with the .jpg extension directly into Portfolio, it catalogues correctly. But, when I ingest that same file through Mechanic and then catalogue to Portfolio, that is when the file seems corrupt.

What is happening within Mechanic when interpreting the file type of the image?

Nothing is being corrupted.  We just no longer do anything with the File Type information.  By doing this, the File Type is marked as unknown (what you see as four question marks) and the filename extension should instead be used to determine the file's type.
