Conclusion: The problem within CNX is triggered by adding IPTC with PM.
No the problem is CNX handling legitimate IPTC data that just happened to be originally created by Photo Mechanic. It could be another program inserting IPTC data.
First let me reiterate that this file was written by CNX, and if CNX cannot handle a file it created then that is a problem with CNX.
Second, the IPTC record is clearly formatted by CNX. For some reason Nikon likes to write out a bunch of IPTC fields (e.g. several record 1 and 2 fields) with no values (len = 0). Very strange and basically a waste of space. Nikon also likes to put all the IPTC fields in order, something that isn't necessary according to the IPTC spec (other than all the record 1 fields need to come before record 2 fields). I noticed that the (sub)location field, however, was not in order. So I tried moving it so that it would be in order like the other fields but that didn't help.
So then I just tried removing the (sub)location field from the IPTC record (which has to be done very carefully) and this fixed the problem so the file could then be saved by CNX. Interestingly, this field was the only field with non 7-bit ASCII: "Idtjärnsgatan 16". So next I tried leaving the (sub)location field in but changing the 'ä' to 'a', and this also fixed the problem. So, apparently CNX doesn't like high bit ASCII or is having an error trying to parse / re-encode this string.
I will post the modified file for you with just that one character changed and you can see for yourself.
I suppose you could argue that PM put this string into the IPTC so it is PM's fault, but that would be a stretch since it is a legitimate string (although the character encoding for IPTC data is a bit murky other than Unicode). It would be interesting to see what happens when you have PM format the IPTC as Unicode (UTF-8). Maybe this would work with CNX, but since CNX doesn't write out the record 1 field for "coded character set" (which is what identifies the text as UTF-8) I suspect it wouldn't help (not even Photoshop can handle UTF-8 IPTC unfortunately).
So for now, if you avoid the high-bit ASCII then maybe CNX will behave.