Author Topic: Automatic Ingest Tagging  (Read 4346 times)

Offline IanGoldstein

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Automatic Ingest Tagging
« on: August 05, 2007, 10:54:02 AM »
In a couple other threads there was some discusson regarding automatic tagging, as well as color class and star rating assignment...

Perhaps an automatic ingest tagging feature could be implemented with the following options:

   Hidden Files:
       Set as Tagged = Yes (Default) or No
       Set Star Rating = 0 (Default) or 1-5
       Set Color Class = 0 (Default) or 1-8
   Protected Files:
       Set as Tagged = Yes (Default) or No
       Set Star Rating = 0 (Default) or 1-5
       Set Color Class = 0 (Default) or 1-8
   Other Files:
       Set as Tagged = Yes or No (Default)
       Set Star Rating = 0 (Default) or 1-5
       Set Color Class = 0 (Default) or 1-8

These options could be set through a dedicated window from the ingest dialog (perhaps a "Tagging..." button next to the "Job..." button). Thus, different auto-tagging setting could easily be used by selecting different ingest snapshots.

In fact, in the future we could even extend this auto-tagging for other file attributes. Perhaps even based on variables (e.g. set a specific color class for all images shot on a specific date, with a specific lens, with a specific program mode set, etc). Obviously, such advanced tagging should be done at later date, and only if there is enough of a demand for it.
