AlrGR + arrow keys for saving.. hmm
Nice and easy, but I'm not sure if they would work on all keyboards; if you don't specify US international, but standard US, your right Alt is just an Alt key, not an AltGr key!
STRG + Ins and + Up without saving
STRG + Del + Down saving
Pressing three keys, I thought you tried to prevent that or do I misunderstand you??? Anyway, I stick with my earlier proposition in this case: Alt+Up and Alt+Down for no save. Nice and easy, as well as almost fully intuitive (or so I hope).
By the way, CTRL + Ins is already defined and means "Copy". (the same as Shift+Ins means "Paste" and Shift+Del means "Cut").
But if we really take care about speed, we should use something like ALT - Z and Alt + X (german: alt + Y)
For the others, we have to move our hands more 
That is nice and easy, but not really intuitive (why Alt+Y for german? the Z and X are positioned the same, aren't they?). The Alt+[, Alt+] and Alt+Shift+[ and Alt+Shift+] are at least intuitive as soon as you've used them once. Oh, and the Z is not positioned the same on a French keyboard either...
Well, anyway, maybe Kirk can think of a nice combo, but to be honest I like the keys as they are. Perhaps you should simply get a real and standard keyboard

Have fun