Yes. The problem is that Adobe's software: Bridge, ACR, (and possibly LR) don't update embedded XMP data, but they *prefer* the embedded data over that contained in the XMP sidecar files. The result being that when you make RAW adjustments with Adobe's software, only the XMP sidecar file is updated, yet when you later open up the image Adobe's tools don't find the adjustments since they're looking for them in the embedded XMP data which didn't get changed. This behavior will continue until the XMP data is stripped from the RAW file. Once stripped, the RAW adjustments from the XMP sidecar file will be used and the adjustments will be seen by the user.
Kirk, thanks. Ah, yes, now I remember: I did notice this quirk too, but totally forgot about it as I completely worked-around this by using PM's sync ability

By the way, The XMP sidecar hack I referred to earlier, had to do with the Time and Date in the IPTC info. I had accidentally set these to some value and tried to get rid of it again in Lightroom. This didn't work so I tried PM, but PM refused as well... After lots of tries, I finally found that inside the XMP sidecar there was some adobe field, (IIRC, a datefield), which caused this problem. Removing it, solved the problem. So it turned-out, nothing a little "sed" hacking couldn't solve

Well....seems I am either missing something or Im doing something wrong. If I add IPTC data "before" before LR the LR can see it and add to it. But once LR adds data PM can no longer see the changes. its as if at that point they are looking at differant data files for that image. In LR under the Catalog Settings > Metadata....All Boxes are checked.
Troy, having another look at your PM preferences again, the problem may still be there! Change the order to:
XMP sidecar, Embedded
XMP, Embedded
If this still doesn't work, double check to see if LR really updates the files.
Hope this solves the puzzle.