I've been using Photo Mechanic with no problems for several years up until about three weeks ago. My metadata workflow is such that a photographer "copies" his photos with unique metadata from a Mac to a server (stage one), stage two is a person who adds dates, captions/IDs, etc. using PM on a PC (this is where the problem is occurring) and then moves the folder into a "ready to catalog" folder. All of a sudden, now we can't move or delete files or folders that person in stage two has opened and added metadata using PM. When I go to delete I get a "operation cannot be completed because the item is in use" and when I go to move I get "the operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items". What is Photo Mechanic doing now? Leaving invisible files open on the network? If so, how to I find them and get rid of them? Why would this problem show up now?