Author Topic: Errors on ingest  (Read 3638 times)

Offline Brendan

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Errors on ingest
« on: December 01, 2007, 01:26:03 PM »

during copying a lot of pictures from two 4-Gig Transcend CF cards I got around 310 errors like this:

Error copying: K:\DCIM\101ND300\DSC_2898.JPG to: D:\img\DSC_2898.JPG

But PM still have copyed the files, and now they got new names: .3052_DSC_2898.JPG
All have the prefix .3052_

The Images seems not be demaged, I can open EVERY in Photoshop (both NEF and JPG)

So, what does that mean?

With my Lexar Cards from another Nikon D300 I dont had this problem.

using the latest version of PM on win10