I tried as you suggested. When I press the Z key it goes into like a full screen mode, but there's no slider where the Info, Histogram and such are displayed or anything that lets me control the image size, which, is different than the PC version it seems. Once again, sorry for such a mundane thing, I just don't want to go back to using iPhoto over something as simple as that.
I wouldn't want you to go back to using iPhoto either.

Did you press the 'r' key to get the controls back? Pressing 'f' will toggle in and out of full screen mode.
Also try clicking the green '+' sign near the top left corner of the Preview window to maximize the window.
Can you post a screen shot of your Preview window? (You can grab the screen by pressing Command-Shift-3 which will create a PNG file on your desktop. You'll have to convert it to a JPEG using Photoshop, or with Photo Mechanic using Save As... Then click on the Additional Options button when composing your message here in the forums and attach your file using the "Choose File" button.)
As far as the liscencing goes, what I meant specifically was what do I change so that when I hit the software so it allows me to look for an update instead of saying the product was already registered on a different computer. Thanks for the timely response.
Just open up the About Photo Mechanic dialog (from the Photo Mechanic menu) and then click on the "Enter new Registration" button. Enter the information you received from Camera Bits. It should now be registered.