Thanks Merv and Nick, I did try this and the Export command does extract and resize the JPG previews from CR2 and DNG files and puts the new files in a directory of your choice, but the Exporter is really intended for web galleries and does much more - quote from User Manual:
"The Export option creates a full set of files from a selection of images. With this command you can make a web gallery with all the internal links already set up. This can be posted directly to a web site and can be very useful to show a client proofs from a shoot, quickly and easily. The web pages are fully customizable with respect to colors, type faces etc, and Variables can be used to add metadata into the layouts."
The Exporter creates not only resized JPGs, but also an HTML file for each image, a full set of thumbnails, 2 folders, 2 index files and a .css file - and all of that stuff is unnecessary if you simply want resized image files and must be manually deleted.
I am still holding out for an upgraded Save As command.
Since the code to extract the JPG previews and resize them is already in PM, Kirk can use that to expand the usefulness of the Save As command and even the Burn Photos to Disk command.
Bill Wood