I know, and appreciate the feature. But I asked for this not to solve this little problem, but for the sheer beauty of it: think of PM being able to completely free the photographer (or editor for that matter) of his worries of numbering his files logically and uniquely, even when he keeps on shooting after midnight....
This is a more detailed suggestion of how this feature might work.
Suppose you entered a file naming formula like this:
You could then enter a variable part of this formula, in this case:
as a trigger for the sequence numbering.
Each time this formula generates a new result, the sequence number is set to 1 (with predefined number of pre-zero's). The last number plus formula result is stored by PM. Each time the formula generates a stored result, the sequence is resumed after the stored number.
This way you're not stuck with dates alone:
Rename= {photog}_{jobname}_{seqn}
Trigger= {jobname}
would automatically number within each job correctly, and starts with 1 on a new job. Even more detailed with:
Trigger= {photog}_{jobname}
In the DeLuxe version of this feature you could also set a variable part of the folder name as a trigger!