Running Tiger on Macbook Pro with PM 4.4.3
The keyboard shortcut to select the check box in rename has stopped working. As advised I deleted the PM preferences file after saving my iptc fields. That did not solve the problem. I tried downloading the software again and reinstalling it - also did not fix it.
I am not aware of any such keyboard shortcut. Please explain in further detail.
New problem - Drag and drop within contact sheet for purposes of copying or moving has stopped working. I can select but cannot move the file in any way. If I go into the finder there is no problem.
There are two cases where you cannot drag files into a contact sheet window: one when the contact sheet window is the result of a Spotlight search, and two, when the contact sheet is a multi-folder contact sheet.
But you should be able to drag out of a contact sheet window no matter what kind it is. Do you have some special trackpad options enabled, like double-tap drag locking?