Author Topic: Keywords  (Read 10049 times)

Offline NaturePix

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« on: June 15, 2006, 12:56:07 PM »
One of the features I would like to see is more room in the keywords box in the IPTC fields. When keywording many hundreds of images after a sports shoot it is sometimes a little frustrating not to be able to see at a glance which keywords have already been applied to an image.


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Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Keywords
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2006, 01:08:38 PM »
One of the features I would like to see is more room in the keywords box in the IPTC fields. When keywording many hundreds of images after a sports shoot it is sometimes a little frustrating not to be able to see at a glance which keywords have already been applied to an image.

Version 4.5 will have the Keywords on its own page of a multi-page IPTC Info dialog.


Offline Rotsky

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Re: Keywords
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2007, 02:35:50 AM »
Version 4.5 will have the Keywords on its own page of a multi-page IPTC Info dialog.

I guess this didn't happen! I'm on 4.5.2 (Mac).

The new structured keywords feature is excellent and I'm tempted to use PM now for all major keywording, rather than iView (which is currently the part of my workflow where I keyword).

PM is still a bit clunky, though. The problem is that already applied keywords don't always seem to show up. If I click the 'i' icon for an image, then selected the structured keywords dialogue from the IPTC info dialogue, the keywords I choose are ten show straight away in the IPTC info box. But if I use the structured keywords dialogue directly from the main menu on a batch of images (my preferred method), the keywords don't show up in either the IPTC info dialogue or the keywords dialogue (it would be really useful to have already applied keywords show up in the latter).

When keywords are shown (as the previous poster mentioned) they're in too small a field.

I would really love to see a panel showing currently applied keywords (and perhaps selected other IPTC fields) in the contact sheet window, say below the navigation box. For multiple selections of images, it would be useful for this to show only those keywords they have in common (ie, that are applied to all selected pix).

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Keywords
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2007, 07:01:26 AM »
The new structured keywords feature is excellent and I'm tempted to use PM now for all major keywording, rather than iView (which is currently the part of my workflow where I keyword).

PM is still a bit clunky, though. The problem is that already applied keywords don't always seem to show up. If I click the 'i' icon for an image, then selected the structured keywords dialogue from the IPTC info dialogue, the keywords I choose are ten show straight away in the IPTC info box. But if I use the structured keywords dialogue directly from the main menu on a batch of images (my preferred method), the keywords don't show up in either the IPTC info dialogue or the keywords dialogue (it would be really useful to have already applied keywords show up in the latter).

The floating Structured Keywords panel can be used to bulk apply keywords so it can't always show the current set of keywords.  For instance if you had two images selected, and one had five unique keywords, and the other one had four unique keywords, what should the panel show?  If it showed all nine of the keywords it would give you the false impression that both of those images had all nine keywords.  So it never shows the keywords of any of the selected images.  It is really just like the IPTC Stationery Pad in this regard.

Quote from: Rotsky
When keywords are shown (as the previous poster mentioned) they're in too small a field.

Please try the 4.5.3 beta.  I have expanded the Keywords field to show three lines of keywords and it now word wraps and scrolls vertically.  If you have fewer than 20-30 keywords, you'll be able to see them at a glance.  If you have more than that, the field will scroll vertically.  NOTE: this pertains only to the new scrolling IPTC dialogs.  The Classic IPTC dialogs have been left just as they were.

Quote from: Rotsky
I would really love to see a panel showing currently applied keywords (and perhaps selected other IPTC fields) in the contact sheet window, say below the navigation box. For multiple selections of images, it would be useful for this to show only those keywords they have in common (ie, that are applied to all selected pix).

You can turn on the Info Tooltips and add the {keywords} variable to your Info Text field.  Then as you hover your mouse over your images you'll see your keywords.  Another way is to use the three additional lines of labels to show your keywords underneath your thumbnails.  You can do this by customizing the labels in the Contact Sheet tab of the Preferences dialog.  Your suggestion would be useful, but it does require changing your selection in order to view information which I find a bit clunky in usage.  PM tries to minimize the need for changing the selection in order to view metadata.  That's why you can use the IPTC Info dialog directly from a thumbnail without selecting it first and why you can Preview an image without selecting it first.  Those abilities are subtle but very empowering in usage.

HTH and thanks for the feedback,


Offline Paul Smith

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Re: Keywords
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2007, 08:09:05 PM »
You can turn on the Info Tooltips and add the {keywords} variable to your Info Text field.  Then as you hover your mouse over your images you'll see your keywords. 

Hi Kirk,

I hadn't discovered the Info Tooltips before, looks very useful. However it's a bit distracting as it bounces all over the contact sheet as the mouse is moved over the images. Is there any way to have it so that the info panel pops up outside the contact sheet?  Obviously this would only work when the contact sheet doesn't fill the monitor. I generally have it so that the contact sheet occupies about 2/3 of the monitor space and the structured keywords panel in the other 1/3rd.



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Keywords
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2007, 10:57:39 PM »

You can turn on the Info Tooltips and add the {keywords} variable to your Info Text field.  Then as you hover your mouse over your images you'll see your keywords. 

I hadn't discovered the Info Tooltips before, looks very useful. However it's a bit distracting as it bounces all over the contact sheet as the mouse is moved over the images. Is there any way to have it so that the info panel pops up outside the contact sheet?  Obviously this would only work when the contact sheet doesn't fill the monitor. I generally have it so that the contact sheet occupies about 2/3 of the monitor space and the structured keywords panel in the other 1/3rd.

No, there is currently no way to do that.


Offline IanGoldstein

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Re: Keywords
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2007, 11:23:01 AM »
Quote from: Paul Smith
I hadn't discovered the Info Tooltips before, looks very useful. However it's a bit distracting as it bounces all over the contact sheet as the mouse is moved over the images.

Earlier this year I had suggested a dockable window to show info for the current selected image in the contact sheet ( . In other words, another panel/window like the Navigator and Favorites. This would provide an alternative to the Info Tooltips, and with a fixed position on the screen it might work much better for some people. I know I would appreciate such an option.

To keep it as useful as the current Info Tooltips, it should probably have a preference option to show info for either: (1) the currently selected image in the current contact sheet, or (2) the current image the mouse is hovering over.
