In a contact sheet, we see thumbnails with the prominent color class/star rating bar centered under the image. This is excellent because we can see the rating/color class bar easily and instantly because it is centered and quite prominent.
But I like to rate and color classify images from the preview screen because the images are bigger and I can evaluate them faster and more accurately. Unfortunately, on the preview screen, there is a small star rating bar on the lower left side and a small color bar on the lower right side. To me it is difficult to see both bars at the same time because they are too far apart and too small and I have to keep shifting my eyes right to left to see the ratings or colors. I would much prefer a significantly larger single bar that combines star ratings and color class, centered under the image just like on contact sheets. The DAM program IDImager has this configuration and it is much faster and easier to see what your ratings/colors are.
Bill Wood