Author Topic: Capture Time Being Ignored  (Read 10061 times)

Offline rbsandor

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Capture Time Being Ignored
« on: May 25, 2008, 01:01:14 PM »
I'm using PM and Mac OS 10.4.11. Since installing the latest PM about a week ago, Capture Time, set to show files in reverse order is being ignored. Up until now, the last pic I had taken would be topmost. As an example of Capture Time being ignored, I downloaded pix taken on 5/15, 17 and 25 into a folder last used this past April and created in January. With the order set to Reverse, the downloaded pix were placed at the bottom of the folder and with the first pic taken on the 15th as the bottomost file.  Thus, the most recently taken pix (taken on the 25th) were placed beneath the earliest January pix. I am seeing this in other folders as well. So, the old order is being maintained, but new additions are being placed opposite of how they used to be and in inverse order. Help!! Richard

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2008, 03:47:17 PM »

I'm using PM and Mac OS 10.4.11. Since installing the latest PM about a week ago, Capture Time, set to show files in reverse order is being ignored. Up until now, the last pic I had taken would be topmost. As an example of Capture Time being ignored, I downloaded pix taken on 5/15, 17 and 25 into a folder last used this past April and created in January. With the order set to Reverse, the downloaded pix were placed at the bottom of the folder and with the first pic taken on the 15th as the bottomost file.  Thus, the most recently taken pix (taken on the 25th) were placed beneath the earliest January pix. I am seeing this in other folders as well. So, the old order is being maintained, but new additions are being placed opposite of how they used to be and in inverse order. Help!!

I'm not certain I understand what you're describing.  But as a debugging aid, please put the following variables in one of your Contact Sheet labels:

{date} {time}

Then look at the dates and times on the thumbnails.  Do the images sort in the correct order according to the dates and times you see on each thumbnail?


Offline rbsandor

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2008, 04:41:22 PM »
Kirk: I already have the date and  time listed as a variable for all my folders. Let me try and explain more clearly. I have  Capture Time and Reverse chosen for the order of the files. Thus, the most recently taken thumb should be in the upper left corner of the sheet. Now when I add files to a folder, the most recently taken file no longer appears in the upper left corner. Instead, the most recently taken file will appear to the right of the oldest thumb in the file. So, if I added 10 files, the first of those 10 taken will be bottomost right and the most recent will appear as said before as to the right of the oldest thumb in the file. Those 10 files are imported in the proper order, i.e. reverse, but they are in the wrong place in the folder. Clear as mud?

I just created a new folder and all loaded as per Capture Time and Reverse order and the most recently taken file is upper left. Just for drill, I took 2 more shots and added them to the folder. They are in the correct position, i.e. upper left. I am stumped. Richard

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2008, 06:12:13 PM »

Kirk: I already have the date and  time listed as a variable for all my folders. Let me try and explain more clearly. I have  Capture Time and Reverse chosen for the order of the files. Thus, the most recently taken thumb should be in the upper left corner of the sheet. Now when I add files to a folder, the most recently taken file no longer appears in the upper left corner. Instead, the most recently taken file will appear to the right of the oldest thumb in the file. So, if I added 10 files, the first of those 10 taken will be bottomost right and the most recent will appear as said before as to the right of the oldest thumb in the file. Those 10 files are imported in the proper order, i.e. reverse, but they are in the wrong place in the folder. Clear as mud?

I just created a new folder and all loaded as per Capture Time and Reverse order and the most recently taken file is upper left. Just for drill, I took 2 more shots and added them to the folder. They are in the correct position, i.e. upper left. I am stumped.

What happens if you change the sort type from Capture Time (on the folder you're having trouble with) to Filename and then change it back to Capture Time?


Offline rbsandor

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2008, 08:23:57 PM »
Kirk: when I make the suggested changes, there is no change from what was previously described. Richard

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2008, 08:49:54 PM »

Kirk: when I make the suggested changes, there is no change from what was previously described. Richard

Can you get a folder down to 5-10 images that illustrates the issue and then post a screenshot?



Offline rbsandor

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2008, 07:27:31 AM »
Kirk: here's the screenshot. The three top leftmost files of my dog are the very first ones placed in the folder this past January. The most recently taken files are the ones to the right and below. You can see the frame numbers going from 861 to 9110 with the 9110 taken on May 25. The files recently added, 9110 and lower, are in the correct chronological order, but in the wrong place in the folder. Richard

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Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2008, 08:01:30 AM »

Kirk: here's the screenshot. The three top leftmost files of my dog are the very first ones placed in the folder this past January. The most recently taken files are the ones to the right and below. You can see the frame numbers going from 861 to 9110 with the 9110 taken on May 25. The files recently added, 9110 and lower, are in the correct chronological order, but in the wrong place in the folder. Richard

Could you please add:

{date} {time}

to your second Contact Sheet thumbnail label so I can see the actual dates for each photo in your screenshot?  Then post a new screenshot please.



Offline rbsandor

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2008, 09:10:09 AM »
Kirk: is this what you want? Richard ???

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Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2008, 09:46:06 AM »

Kirk: is this what you want? Richard ???

No.  Open up the Preferences dialog.  Click on the Contact Sheet tab.  In the thumbnail labels area, add the following variables to one of your three labels:

{date} {time}

And then shoot the same screenshot of the Contact Sheet as you had before.



Offline rbsandor

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2008, 11:16:16 AM »
Kirk: here's the screenshot with date and time added. Notice that there are now only two dog files in the upper left, whereas before, there were three. I haven't deleted anything and don't know what it means if anything, but... Richard

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Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2008, 12:26:37 PM »

Kirk: is this what you want? Richard ???

No.  Open up the Preferences dialog.  Click on the Contact Sheet tab.  In the thumbnail labels area, add the following variables to one of your three labels:

{date} {time}

And then shoot the same screenshot of the Contact Sheet as you had before.

It looks like they're sorted correctly to me.  What is the date and time of the third dog photo that doesn't appear where you expect it to?


Offline rbsandor

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2008, 02:46:59 PM »
Kirk: I don't agree. Look at frame numbers 861 and 9110 which are side by side. 861 is dated 1/30/08 and is the first file loaded into the folder. 9110 is the most recent from a bunch of shots taken a few days ago. Prior to ingesting the May files, the last entry was frame number 2616 dated 4/1/08 (see attached screen shot). I ingest using Capture Time and Reverse. It appears that PM is not seeing all the files between 1/30/08 and 4/1/08. As a small test, I loaded two more files into this folder. They were interposed between 861 and 9110.

I did a similar thing in another folder and the new files were in the proper order. I don't know if the mal-ordering is restricted to this file alone, but am concerned it might start to occur elsewhere.

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Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2008, 02:59:51 PM »

Kirk: I don't agree. Look at frame numbers 861 and 9110 which are side by side. 861 is dated 1/30/08 and is the first file loaded into the folder. 9110 is the most recent from a bunch of shots taken a few days ago. Prior to ingesting the May files, the last entry was frame number 2616 dated 4/1/08 (see attached screen shot). I ingest using Capture Time and Reverse. It appears that PM is not seeing all the files between 1/30/08 and 4/1/08. As a small test, I loaded two more files into this folder. They were interposed between 861 and 9110.

I did a similar thing in another folder and the new files were in the proper order. I don't know if the mal-ordering is restricted to this file alone, but am concerned it might start to occur elsewhere.

But look at the year of 9110, it is 2007, not 2008 like in 861.  The pictures appear to be sorted in the correct order to me.


Offline rbsandor

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Re: Capture Time Being Ignored
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2008, 03:46:45 PM »
Kirk: in the words of Charlie Brown--AAAAAAAArgh! Sometime between May 5 and 15, the year in the camera  was changed to 2007. I have looked in the PM manual for a method to do a batch change of the year but didn't find one. Can you direct me to the appropriate place? Thanks for your patience. Richard