I am trying out the demo, looks like a great product but my main problem is the documentation: I downloaded the manual, but can't find documentation by task.
For example:
* I have moved [no copied] photo from 1 folder to another, I still get the moved images in the contact sheet. How do I refresh the contact sheets for that folder to remove the photos from the contact sheets for that folder?
Are you certain you moved the files from within Photo Mechanic instead of copying them? They should disappear from the source folder automatically. No refresh should be necessary.
* How to insert the the copyright symbol? I am currently cut & paste from another application.
It depends on which platform you're running on. On the Mac you press Option-G to produce the copyright symbol in Photo Mechanic, just like you would in any Mac OS X application. On Windows you hold down the Alt key and type 0169 to produce the copyright symbol in Photo Mechanic, just like you would in any Windows application.
Is there a PDF that is document by task/workflow? or do I need slug it out and spend hours in the forums?
Did you download the full 4.5.3 manual or are you referring to the Quick Start Guide?
I don't think you'll have to spend hours in the forums. Just ask the questions you want answered. I don't think it will take that long, but after the fact you can tell me if it did.
